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In the fast-paced world of marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Marketing teams must continually innovate to capture the ever-elusive customer's attention and drive conversions.

One such innovation that is taking the marketing world by storm is generative AI.

Reasons to Use Generative AI in Your Marketing

If you're still on the fence about embracing AI technology, here are compelling reasons why your marketing team should use generative AI to market your products.

1. Personalized Content at Scale

Generative AI allows marketers to create personalized content on a massive scale. By analyzing consumer data and preferences, AI can craft tailored messages, emails, and advertisements that resonate with individual customers. That level of personalization can significantly boost engagement and conversion rates.

2. Time and Cost Efficiency

Traditional content creation can be time-consuming and costly. Generative AI automates the content generation process, saving your team valuable time and resources. That means you can focus on high-level strategy and creative tasks while AI handles the repetitive grunt work.

3. A Wealth of Data Insights

Generative AI doesn't just generate content; it also extracts valuable insights from the vast amounts of data it processes. Marketers can harness those insights to refine their strategies, understand customer behavior, and make data-driven decisions.

4. Enhanced SEO and Content Optimization

AI-powered tools can analyze SEO data to create content that ranks higher in search engine results. By integrating keywords seamlessly and understanding user intent, generative AI can help improve your website's visibility and drive organic traffic.

5. Creativity Boost

Generative AI is not just a tool for churning out content; it can also spark creativity. By generating unique ideas, brainstorming topics, and even assisting in creative writing, AI can be a valuable collaborator for your creative team.

6. Real-time Adaptation

In today's rapidly changing landscape, marketing teams need to adapt quickly. Generative AI can generate content in real-time based on current trends and events, allowing you to stay relevant and engage with your audience on topics that matter now.

Keys to Safe Use of AI in Marketing

Generative AI is a gamechanger, but it can also be a nightmare. When so many pieces of content can be created so fast, how do you ensure the quality and consistency that you need to keep everything "on brand"?

Here are three ways you can get around that problem and embrace generative AI without sacrificing the quality of your content.

1. Ease into it with humans in the loop

The term "human in the loop" is common in AI circles. It just means that humans and machines are working together, and some steps still require humans.

Creating thousands of pieces of personalized content with generative AI may be too much for humans to moderate. But if you ease into it slowly, you can understand the benefits and challenges of generative AI tools.

Initially, you can use generative AI not to scale your content marketing or creative processes but just to take part in the generation process at a small scale while humans are still involved.

Try ChatGPT to generate ideas or Stable Diffusion to create images. Let the marketing team stay in full control of everything. Experiment and understand how the tools work before moving forward and turning things over to more automated machine-based marketing.

2. Build a prompt library

Prompts are the inputs you type into a generative AI tool to get desired outputs. Think of a prompt as something like, "Write a seven-word tagline for a new energy drink that targets men 18-35 years old who like outdoor sports and events. Give me 10 options." From there, ChatGPT will give you some outputs you can use.

As your team writes prompts for various brands and different customer segments, keep track of modifications that work. Build a library of successful prompts so that new hires can see what has worked in the past, and so everyone can become better prompt writers.

In a generative AI world, prompt-writing is a critical skill that ensures you get higher-quality outputs from the machines.

3. Consider a brand governance platform

Keeping consistency across your customer-facing content was hard enough in a world without AI. Now, the breadth, scale, and complexity of generative AI workflows can make it nearly impossible.

At BrandGuard, we've built a new type of tool called a brand governance platform. You teach the tool what's on brand and what's not, and it will approve or reject creative assets at scale as humans or generative AI crank them out.

Many generative AI tools are building their own functionality to better understand your brand guidelines, tone and voice, and other attributes. But if you don't want to keep your brand guidelines updated in multiple places and instead want one place to manage your brand in an AI world, BrandGuard works with all the major tools you use.

* * *

In summary, generative AI isn't just something coming in the future. It's here now. The companies that adopt it will be ahead of the curve, and they will benefit tremendously.

But as with any new technology, you need to dip your toe in the water cautiously and stay in control as you learn and grow with the industry.

Hopefully the tips in this article will help you adopt generative AI safely and protect your company's most important asset: your brand.

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Three Keys to Safely Using Generative AI in Marketing

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"BrandGuard is the world's #1 Brand Governance Platform. Our AI models ensure brand consistency in all customer-facing assets generated by humans and machines. Your brand is valuable. BrandGuard makes sure it stays that way."