
Topic: Website Critique

My Website Is Not Selling As I Wish

Posted by fandangotrading on 250 Points
Hi, well my website is not selling as many items as I would've wish, I am on the first page of Google search and this past week I had 455 visitors but only one sale in this past week. Iam trying to change some information and changing the products pictures into a more organized format. I have the best prices on these chairs and the shipping cost is also good. Please let me know your opinions and I would really appreciate for the advice.
This is the website link
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Who is your primary target audience? Where? How do they find you? Do you have landing pages that are keyed to the ads or listings (or keywords) they are using? Are you running Adwords?

    A quick look at your website homepage suggests that there's too much going on, too much movement and no clear benefit or call-to-action. But if you are using landing pages that can all be turned around in a matter of hours/days.

    Zero in on your target audience. Market to the keywords they are using. And stop the noisy, splashy homepage; use landing pages instead.

    Separate issue: Where are the images of human beings enjoying the chairs? All I see is chairs, chairs, chairs. It's almost as though you think you're selling chairs when you're really selling a great lifestyle, accented by chairs.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Michael's given you wonderful advice. Additionally, besides the look of the chair - I have no idea how this chair compares to other similar chairs: comfort, price, durability, and guarantee. Based on a quick search - your chairs appear to be half the price of your competition - (but their chairs are shipped free, and your shipping rate is up to $190). If people are visiting your site, and then abandoning the checkout - it's likely to be about your "hidden" shipping price.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Who is your ideal buyer?

    If it's a 30 something guy making $250K and living in a Mid-century modern home with a cool patio, then that guy needs to be shown this chair in that setting. Make him see these chairs on HIS patio.

    Next up, video. Make it, use it, position it, and focus it on the guy above (or on whoever your ideal buyer is).

    Next up, price. Crank your "before" price up to $199.95. Knock your offer price down to $179.95. Add URGENCY to the deal by adding scarcity. Few things drive an action as much as the possibility of losing out on something.

    Finally, those hidden menu items? Why make visitors hunt for them? They (and your social media icons) need to be on the top of your main page. And your blog? It needs articles to give context to your images. And those images? Do your chairs only exist in a post apocalyptic world bereft of human beings? Your images need people in them.

    Once you've got articles about style and living for each of your images, and once your images have got a few people in them, start contacting the writers and editors of lifestyle blogs and ask them if they'd like content and if they'd be willing to either accept your content or write some of their own to feature your products—in exchange for which, you will carry articles about THEIR sites and about their content and offers.
  • Posted by fandangotrading on Author
    Thank You for all the advice, it is really helpful. On the shipping price it will be a better option to give higher prices with free shipping? Or do I just need to make them see the shipping cost in a more visible way in all the website pages? Like a map for shipping zones?
    Thank you again for the help.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Heeey como estas Juan,

    I see you are from San Antonio, Texas. While I've never been there, I did have an Uncle that once lived in Houston. And in Junior High school I wrestled in a big tournament in Fort Worth.

    So looking at all of the great answers you've already been given by some of our Master Marketers I'd like to see if I can also make a huge difference in your life.

    Let's begin by getting one thing perfectly clear…because seeing clearly is so important and you know how important it is to you to see clearly with your eyes…well it's just as important to see your ideas clearly in your mind and that's what I'm going to begin to help you do.

    You see Juan…let's begin by understanding that you really don't have a Chair Selling Problem…

    what you have is a "Customer Challenge".

    And if you read every word of what I'm about to share with you…you will not only begin to see your "Customer Challenge" differently…you will begin to face this Challenge with More Confidence and that will help you to keep Searching until you get the answers you need to have.

    Sooo it appears you'd like to sell more items. Is that right Juan? And if you allow me to I'd love to help you do just that!

    When I went to your website I noticed you have some very Beautiful Acapulco Chairs.

    I really liked the colors.

    And Juan I only wish I were close enough so that I could come and visit your store. Because then I could take the valuable time you need to really have someone help you get your website on the right track and selling more items.

    Remember while your chairs are Beautiful (and you really should be selling More)...there's something your Customers Love more than your Beautiful Chairs…

    can you imagine what that might be?

    You're exactly right Juan! Your Customers Love themselves.

    That's right your Customers Love themselves.

    So let's begin there Juan. Because if you begin by remembering that more than your Beautiful Chairs your Customers Love really doesn't matter where you're'll always Sell More of whatever you're selling because you will begin with what Stephen Covey called "First Things First".

    The Customer is the Beginning and the End of every "Selling Experience". And according to my dear friend Tom Peters, (who was one of the Masters of helping his clients with their Customers) you must remember that giving your Customer a real WOW!!! EXPERIENCE is sooo important.

    But you can't begin to WOW!!! your Customer until you begin to "KNOW" your Customer.

    So your real challenge my friend is not that you are having trouble Selling more Beautiful Acapulco Chairs…

    your real challenge is that you haven't taken out the time to get to "Know Your Customer".

    To "Know your Customer" means to "Understand Your Customer" and without completely understanding this you can't sell more.

    Because to know your Customer is to Love your Customer…

    And all of my spanish friends have a Beautiful saying that reflects the beauty of the spanish people when they say

    "Mi Casa Is Su Casa" which of course sooo Beautifully means "My House Is Your House".

    When my spanish friends would invite me over and they would say "Mi Cas Is Su Casa" I Knew Immediately that they were more concerned about me having a WOW!!! EXPERIENCE (a Really Good Time at their house).

    So let's begin there…let's Take your Customer on a Beautiful Journey and let's take care of them like they are coming over to your house…and if we can do that and sincerely mean it...More than anything we can make it a WOW!!! EXPERIENCE for Both your Customer and You.

    Now Juan, it's time to decide if you really Care about your Customer. You see because, if you really Care about your Customer Juan, you will take all of the words I've shared here with you today…and you would search your Heart to make sure this is what you really want for your Customer…and when you are truly ready to move forward and Sell More Beautiful Acapulco Chairs, you will train all of your workers if you have any to remember to make all of your Customers have the "Mi Cas Is Su Casa" EXPERIENCE.

    I have a whole lot more ideas to share with you that will help you not only Sell More Items…but these Secrets to Serving your Customers will sell more chairs for your business.

    and when everyone get's to your business or your website they will want to sit in your Beautiful Acapulco Chairs…and they will Laugh and Smile and play Beautiful Music and they will Dance and then buy your Beautiful Chairs…and all of your chair problems will leave and never come back as long as you keep Loving your Customers. If there is anything else I can help you do I am here for you.

    Thanks for listening and KEEP SMILING!!!

    How else May I SERVE You Juan?

    Your Servant,

    Lovingly Deremiah *CPE, (Customer Passion Expert)

    REMEMBER… Juan, your only real problem in life is your failure to be "MORE Creative" than you’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your Opportunity YOU WILL most definitely Create your Future.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been any activity in at least 10 days.

    Thanks for participating!


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