
Topic: Copywriting

I Am Planning To Start A Business Using A Saying

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am planning to start a business using a saying on several items like t-shirts and plates, etc. They will say "Mama use to say....". Do I need to copyright this or if it is already copyrighted can I use it?

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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    First of all, copyright laws are country specific. If you are not in the US, then what I say here may not pertain.

    If something is already copyrighted, you cannot use it without the owner's permission. As far as you copyrighting your sayings, Here are some questions to think about:

    1. Are the sayings able to be copyrighted the sayings, meaning that they pass the criteria for copyrightable material per the US Patent and Trademark office? If not, you can't copyright them.
    2. Do you plan to enforce the copyright - i.e. someone uses your sayings, you take legal action, which could cost a lot. If not, don't copyright.
    3. Can you take on the cost of copyrighting - about $300 per saying? If not, don't copyright.
    4. Is the value in profits worth more than the $300 cost? If not, don't copyright.
    5. Is there a chance someone will "steal" your sayings and use them? If not, don't.

    This should give you some things to think about. I hope it helps.

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Of course you can always attempt to Trademark any phrase, I would suggest that you appoint someone who is an expert in this area.

    The phrase you are trying to use doesn't seem to have a Trademark from initial searches.

    In the first instance, you might want to take a look here if you haven't already for reference:

    All the best and good luck


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