
Topic: E-Marketing

Need Source For "sales Management" Opt-in Lists

Posted by Inbox_Interactive on 250 Points
Greetings, everyone -

I need to reach as many sales management professionals as possible through rented opt-in e-mail lists.

I've gone down the usual path of the industry magazines and Web sites such as JustSell, Sales & Marketing Management, and SellingPower.

Can anyone recommend a good business-to-business e-mail list broker who would have access to sales management lists (or other lists in which the job title "sales manager" might be a select)?

Please feel free to respond directly if you feel that's a more appropriate channel.

Thank you.

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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Author
    Hi, Kris, and thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Naturally we've considered newsletter sponsorships, but I still appreciate your bringing it up.

    The "usual suspects" in terms of newsletters are really the same people that I've already been to for e-mail lists. And for what it's worth, I am considering a test of these newsletters because the CPMs--as you stated--are lower ($70 vs., say, $350).

    However, our experience has generally been that the dedicated e-mail list is the better deal. When you sponsor a newsletter, people are really trying to read the content, not the ad(s). Their eyes are elsewhere. In dedicated promotions, even though the whole thing is an ad (scorned by some), at least you have their full, undivided attention. Nonetheless, it's worth testing.


    Thank you for your response, too. The other elements of the marketing campaign are well taken care of. In this case, the missing piece to the puzzle is e-mail lists.

    I appreciate your list of URLs. Most of these companies are already on my radar screen, but thanks for sharing them. What I was *really* hoping to find was a nugget of gold that only someone who has been through this exact exercise might have found.

    Looks like I'll be dusting off my pick-axe and shovel!

    Thanks, all.


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