
Topic: Other

If Hilary Clinton Can Raise 80 Million Why Can't We ***pull Children Out Of The River*** Using Amazing Escape Tactics, And Guerilla Branding Techniques?

Posted by Deremiah *CPE on 3478 Points


Hi, it's Deremiah, *CPE and it’s that time. I’ve been your host over the last 6 days as we all have laughed, smiled, wondered, pondered, but most of all thought deeply about many meaningful things, thoughts, ideas and concepts. Many of you have personally contacted me and let me know how important these intriguing questions are and what they really mean to you. I’m so glad you enjoyed them but right now we’ve got to move on so I’m going to keep this question short and sweet. And while it is the shortest question it requires the most thought so here it goes.

I mentor about 48 of the most wonderful girls and boys you could ever meet. They come from diverse backgrounds with a demographic population of:

34% Hispanic American
26% Black American
23% White American
17% Other/Multiracial

The program the children are in is located on a residential/academic campus that pulls in children from all over the Chicagoland area. The organization has a rich legacy and Abraham Lincoln's son Robert Todd Lincoln, is one of the original founders. It is privately funded with no federal money and for good reasons.

These children are good kids being raised by single family mothers who are struggling without any support from the men who are responsible for them being here. They come from bad neighborhoods but live on the campus which has become a safe haven for most of them. After hearing about the problems the children are sad and concerned as many of them have to deal with gang activity, poor schools and mothers who are stretched trying to balance work & home and you know how that goes.

The organization they are a part of has been short on their fundraising goals and are considering cut backs or completely closing down. With nearly 15 years of sales experience I have begun to reach out to individuals who have expressed they would like to help. I have a large base of contacts, friends and the potential because of my connections to bring others into this situation. But if you were me (I know that could be hard to imagine…lol)

What would you do?
Where would you start?
And why?

Share your Guerilla Branding Techniques for the good of children. Go ahead "make my day"

That is my final question to you tonight. I know it’s a tough one but there are no bad answers we are only brainstorming so please refrain from criticizing the answers of others. I owe you the world for your time, answers and the endless wisdom you may have to offer.

Thanks so much. I love you and I thank you for the time you put into the 5 most intriguing Questions. You are an amazing human being with unlimited potential and vast relationships. We are Benjamin Franklins “Junta” of this generation.

The following questions are the ones I’ve asked earlier this week.

The ONE & ONLY ( (( DEREMIAH, *CPE )) )......Now Can YOU BRAND YOU Effectively?
Daring Disappearing Act

Is there anything else I can do for you?

Your Servant,

Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passionate Executive)

*Caring Promotes Exuberance

REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. And the children really do matter.

To continue reading this question and the solution, sign up ... it's free!


  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author

    THANKS for the great ideas!

    Some of the suggestions are similar to what I have suggested to the organization especially in the area of making the individual profiles with photos of the children. You can imagine how important it is to any organization to protect kids from over exposure and what may appear as exploitation.

    Of course my idea is that if we do not present the children in a more personal way it's going to be harder for individual/Private donors to feel the connection.

    We are fortunate in that we do have churches and church members involved. The paradox is that some of these same people who will give time through volunteering will not give money. A very contradictory approach to church participation. It appears as an organization they feel because they have not birthed the auxiliary from with in their church setting they can not support it with consistent financial giving. But I have to commend them while on the community volunteer part they get a 10 on a scale of 1-10 but in the area of volunteers giving they're not even registering on the richtor scale.

    Well thanks and please keep reading the post and join in whenever someone elses response stimulates some new ideas for you. Thanks again Steve for participating in all of the questions. I really do appreciate it and if there is anything I can do for you please let me know and shoot me an email. Thanks.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Child Passion Evangelist)

    Caring Promotes Exuberance
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Hi BarQ,

    you're welcome. I love offering ideas that stimulate the mind and force the creative to come out of you.

    Well helping out kids has grown out of my own painful life story where my parents went through a nasty divorce and I went from what you would call a rich kids school in Lawton, Oklahoma to a poor kids school in the heart of Chicago's southside during my Junior year of High School. Anyone will tell you this kind of separation during your Junior year is a recipe for disaster. So as you can see I too had to experience the challenges placed on a single family mom. But couple that with a mom who was suffering from nervous breakdowns, depression and other mental illness challeges & you can quickly see that this made my life miserable. So miserable that I was contemplating suicide but heard a life changing message. Then people from within my community like Jim Queen (an Uptown minister) took interest in my future and guided me on to college where I became the first person in the history of my ancestors on both sides of my family to graduate from college.

    Our school history is very rich and filled to the brim with exciting stories. Our alumni's have been tapped but to what degree I do not know.

    I do not believe we have a foundation and I'm not sure who can benefit from this beside the children.

    I'm also not sure whose taping on the streets these days.

    I'm trying to reach out to kathysmithcasting now. She sent me an email a few days back and I shot her a reply but I'm still waiting to hear from her. Maybe she'll read this post and shoot me another email.

    Thanks for sleeping on the question and for praying as well for my success. But pray for the children as a great deal of them are overwhelmed.

    One of the children told me that there are always cop cars (up to 3) in front of his neighborhook school and that he fears for his life. Thanks for listening. You're the greatest BarQ

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Creating Passionate Executive)

    Caring promotes Exuberance
  • Posted by michael on Accepted

    I just love kids; of all ages (except some 50-year-old ones are not so fun), so I'm emotionally with you at this point. I used to head up a group 150+ kids at church. Bet I spent more time with them than anywhere else...sometimes even work. It's all engulfing...and the time goes quickly.

    Then there's this belief I have that anything can be solved by making more sales calls. I'd start, not with the minority-owned companies, but the well-known ones. You're looking for a company that has a Chief Diversity Officer. They have long term goals that will require highly educated "minorities" (HATE that word...we're all just people) and it's likely they'd be positively predisposed toward your efforts.

    Single moms: The toughest job in the world. We should elect a single mom as President and you'd see some real shaping up and shipping out in Washington ( topic)

    This week I was in Atlanta at an industry association meeting. We talked about how, as an association, we need to generate funds to support local organizations. I happen to know that is a normal discussion at many associations. Check with Smith Bucklin downtown. They manage several assocations and could give you contact information.

    I think Hillary's supporters are counting on some ROI for their donation. You don't have that to give and you definitely don't want the gov't to come in an ruin the program. I wouldn't call Durbin or Obama or anyone in politics.

    Since Walmart has now just been given the right to come within city limits, they might be looking for a LOCAL charity to support. They always do CMN, but the manager's have some authority to expand their reach. CDW might be a another place to go. They haven't done anything worthy of a press release in months. They could do inkind donations or a percentage of sales for a specific month.

    Good thing you told people not to criticize others ideas.

    I might come back with some more ideas.


  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Hi again Steve,

    thanks for breaking it down with such clear detail. Great action steps. This will save time and make a huge difference in rallying people together. I'll reach out to BarQ tomorrow or Monday. Thanks again for your Great input.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Hi Michael,

    THANKS for the sense of humor along with the ideas. It's good to laugh about this kind of stuff as you're problem solving otherwise you get too serious for good solutions that may have some fun. Well Hilary's from Illinois but you know generating political ties create political associations and we're looking for more of a community based solution.

    Thanks for your wonderful ideas Michael and using minority terminology is really interesting. As you can see from the demographics that the minorities are the majorities.

    The other sad thing is here in St. Charles we have a very wealthy community of people who are missing out on an amazing opportunity to participate in one of the most noble things a community can do and that is look out for the future of children.

    With women being the largest purchasers in American households we should be able to easily get a lot of women to rally around the single mother but that's not happening as effectively as it can. Thanks again and please do come back as others chime in.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    Caring Promotes Exuberance
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    When you're a hammer ....

    Do you suppose you could get each of your kids to write or tell his/her story and collect the stories into a book? Then you could publish the book and sell copies in a number of creative ways, with all the net proceeds going to help support the group and its mission.

    People may be more willing to pay $25-30 for a book than they are to simply give that same amount of money to a good cause. You may also be able to get a celebrity to write the introduction for more visibility, and perhaps you can have some VIP copies (sold on eBay?) in which each chapter/story is signed by the author.

    If you think this is a possibility, I'd be willing to help you with the publishing issues. Maybe there are some others who can also help with marketing ideas (for the book).

    I sure hope you can get a few good ideas from this forum. Thanks again for including us.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Thanks Kathysmithcasting,

    Great input. The organization is 501C3 which means you get a tax right off whenever you donate. So this is good and makes the next step easier for companies to take.

    The children want to study, want to have a better life and have made great transformations in their lives. Their academic performance can be measured and we are putting these things together in profiles that we can use to serve them in their best interest.

    The organization could gain additional knowledge on how to recirculate old PR in order to continue taking advantage of the many times they have obtained positive press.

    I appreciate your wonderful suggestions Kathysmithcasting. Good work.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Thanks Proeditor (Karen),

    we will have to consider a viral marketing campaign.

    I just got a copy of a short DVD that I can get out. I just put a copy into an executives hands from AT&T. He's trying to help us connect up with AT&T's foundation and will be handing off that DVD to a good friend in his company while in Texas on Monday.

    Fortunately for us we are in one of the wealthiest suburbs and 50 minutes from Chicago. One area of contrast is that our Suburb is less multi-cultural than our school. St. Charles is primarily white while as you can see from the Demographics our minority students are the majority although overall we are almost split pretty evenly with a high population of Hispanic children. We really do have the ideal mix that Corporations and Foundations like to see when they are donating to schools. Even private citizens like yourself like to see this kind of mix.

    This can work for us or work against us depending how we handle it. One bit of bad news is that St. Charles has had a youth home for bad students (that consist primarily of Blacks and Hispanics) way on the other side of town that have been here for years, (maybe since the 60's). Our main school had an off shoot of their campus spring up in this suburb nearly 11 years ago. Of course the bad news is the youth home full of minorities in a white suburb has branded the reputation of minority youth so that people often want to confuse us as the organization with the bad youth because our kids are minority. So how do we counter the confusion where people are stereo typically confusing our kids with the bad kids from the Youth Home just because our children are the same nationality as the kids from the youth home?

    Not sure how to counter that which also has had a negative impact on our children. Thanks Karen, you're the greatest!

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Thanks Mgoodman,

    You know I've been meaning to call you. We have something in common.

    THANKS for your Great idea and something really tangible to consider.

    We could even consider other variations of this idea such as a book of stories about the children written by the children, including poetry for those that write poetry and art work for the kids who are talented along this line. How does that sound too?

    If you've got more ideas Mgoodman (which I know you're not a one idea kind of man).

    What if I wanted to write a book about the victory I gained over my tragic child hood called "At-Risk Champion" and sell that and give proceeds from that to the children organizations, including getting some celebrity endorsements.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Hey Randall,

    thanks first for participating and second for creating a rope to help me pull the children out of the river (by cutting a check).

    Your ideas are inspiring in that you have offered a real life perspective on how it's being done else where. Real stories and situations impact our lives and the decisions we make. That's why I believe Benjamin Franklin formed the "Junta" a civic organization from within the community created to relationship build, knowledge build, experience build via stories of what works and what has proven not to be successful for others.

    Your story fits the bill and I truly thank you for your ideas and your concern for others. It's not often we get a great opportunity to make a difference for children using our marketing attributes. Feel free to read the final post on the Daring Disappearing Act found here. It was the foundational question that sparked all the others. And it's been an enjoyable experience. Maybe now I can give to others who I've been neglecting their answers because of the questions I've been asking. Thanks fo much and again read the link (below).

    thanks so much.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    Caring Promotes Exuberance
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Many of the above comments deal with ways to raise fresh cash from fresh sources, and clearly you should "Create, Plan, and Execute" (or Conceive, Plan, Execute) one or more of more of these ideas.

    However, in addition to looking for fresh sources of cash, I think it would be important to know why former donors are no longer contributing.

    If the organization has been in business for over 100 years, there may be records somewhere of hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of prior donors.

    Maybe there is a reason folks have stopped contributing. It could be something simple, or there could be a problem or fundamental issue you don't know about, and if so, it would help to correct that before signing new folks. If it were me, I'd want to begin by seeing if there are any skeletons in the closet...

    (I would bet that if you went back to prior donors and asked them in a low pressure way why they stopped making donations, at least one will say, "Because no one ever asked" - and will write you a check).

    The process of researching past donors may open some doors to you. For example, if you find that someone's great great grandfather was on the board of directors of the organization, or was a major contributor, this may give you an interesting conversation starter with their descendants. Others have faced the fund raising challenges you face - and have done so for over 100 years. They had tried many techniques - maybe they have left some records.

    If old records exist, could these also be presented in some form of exhibition would could generate PR? If such records exist, and would require someone to spend time to look closely at them, would it be of sufficient interest to enlist the help of, say, a group of interns at a ChicagoLand university who might be studying organizational growth and development? Good luck.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Some of the responsed triggered ideas I've seen before.

    For example, here in Memphis, a lot of the grocery stores give you the opportunity to add an extra dollar or amount to your bill to go towards a cause. - with this concept you could recruit any number of retailers to assist with collections...

    Additionally, many organizations have ____-A-Thons where they actually get schools, clubs and corporatins involved in helping in a fun way - SEE St Jude for a few ideas like Math-A-Thon, Bowl-A-Thon, Rock-A-Thon, etc... Over time these events becone annual events and eventually you need a staff just to manage all of it.

    Again, for great ideas you should look to the masters of fundraising and do what they do on a smaller scale - like the pebble idea eventually branching out to eternity.

    Also what Telemoxie said - go to the database of past donors & personally find out what happened & try to reactivete them. Then profile them or even model them to identify demographics and pstchographics / comonality, then apply that profile to an available list to identify other "Look-A-Likes" and ask those to contribute.

    ONce you have the database, maintain it and stay in contact with your donors. Again, look to the masters of fundraising and pattern after them.

    Good Luck...more later
  • Posted by Ravee on Accepted
    Hi Deremiah,

    I would suggest you to get in touch with a few Corporates in your area. Most of the corporates have CSR activities which is done at an organization level. But there are several employees who want to really do something for the society but are not aware of how to go about it. You could identify one or two people in these organizations who could lead this for you in at their end. In the organization where I work, we have such employee led programs where we work closely with a few schools in the nearby areas. Employees take time off to go and teach students, sponsor their education, meals and clothes. It's purely done out of passion and they really enjoy doing it. Employees also celebrate their birthdays and special occasion with these school children who otherwise do not get such previlege in their life. The kind of satisfaction we get from these activities is beyond words!

    good luck!

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The success of a book is almost entirely dependent on how effectively you promote it. It has much less to do with the subject matter or the quality of the writing. After all, when people make the purchase decision, they haven't experienced the product. They're buying an expectation based on the cover, the advertising, the interview they heard with the author, and perhaps a review or two.

    The challenge isn't so much figuring out how to get the book published or what the subject matter should be. It's all about the marketing plan.

    Most authors find that very discouraging, because they are into the expression and the research and the "art" of writing a book. For this group, though, I'd think it would be very exciting.

    Let's start with the objective, and then let's design a marketing plan to reach that objective. Once we have that, we'll know what the product (i.e., the subject of the book) should be.

    If we take that approach, we'll be more successful than 90% of new books.

    One more thing: Books make a lot more money when you're the one selling them directly to the end-user/reader. When you go through distribution (Barnes & Noble, Border's, Amazon, Books-A-Million, etc.) the system sucks up more than half the revenue. By the time you pay for the printing and shipping and marketing costs, there's not a lot left.

    But if you sell each book for list price, you get to keep the whole thing, and then you have a margin of 50-60%, or even more. That's why speakers sell books in the back of the room after they've sold themselves to the audience. It's a lot more profitable than sending people to the bookstores to buy those same books.

    Hope this helps. I would like to think we can come up with some marketing plans to sell direct, figure out what our target audience wants to read about, and generate the kind of interest and volume that will generate both money and awareness.

    Reactions? Other ideas?
  • Posted by Phoenix ONE on Accepted

    Your story and achievement are noteworthy, the greatest gift we can ever gift is the gift of love you are blessed.

    Quite an intriguing question. It is both simple yet truly complex. I am going to break away from the pack with a few ideas:

    The competition for funds today to be used in inner cities is greater than ever, yet the funds are there.

    I suggest the following:

    Create a Prospectus of the entire program and the scope of what is to be accomplished. Keep the prospectus simple yet offer both testimonials and success stories - Get volunteers to put the prospectus together, get a printer to donate his services, get a photographer to donate his skills----this way you are creating an inner circle of new collaborators.

    Then pursue the major corporations and their "Community Outreach Programs", Nike, Adidas, Microsoft, McDonald's, Home Depot all have great COR personnel that evaluate worthy programs. These people are easily identifiable.

    Next, find an "Angel", wealthy benefactor someone local who could provide initial support to keep the program afloat. This could create nice local media coverage to enhance other people to become proactive.

    NEXT, reach out on THIS forum and recruit volunteers (professional marketing people and agencies) to pursue 2 or 3 potential donors via marketing materials and campaigns. Do the math this could create a nice ground swell to capture businesses and donors beyond your capacity. What a wonderful project for many people!

    I would also make certain to get local radio coverage and TV coverage to highlight the programs.

    Good Luck and Best Wishes for Your Continued Success

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author

    Anyone with good eyes can see that we've got some great minds flowing here together. I've been in meetings, talking over the internet and talking over the phone.

    What we can see happen here is a great list of inside ideas and insights that I'd like to peel right into tomorrow. So please the ideas are neeeded and stay tune as I plan to touch on some of these ideas and the way these things are shaping up. Again let it flow, let it flow, let it flow.

    Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    Caring Promotes Exuberance
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Dear Deremiah

    Here’s a bit of science which I came across only yesterday which I hope helps you to understand the harder, numbers side of “Compassion”. It surprised me, but I felt that it might be of use to you as part of a two pronged approach to your fundraising.

    I had always assumed that the larger and more worthy the cause, the easier it became to recruit people, their time and their donations to it. So if you published the suffering of 48 needy children, worthy of our support, you would get more of people’s attention, time and money than if you were to publicise the suffering of only one.

    It turns out that this might be wrong. Some have called it compassion fatigue; other researchers have called it our inability to relate to large problems (Whereas we can relate to a small one). Jo Stalin also had a chilling insight into our inability to comprehend massive injustice; he said, “One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic”

    An article in “The New Scientist” 7th April 2007 explored this in the context of charitable giving. A paper published by a Scandinavian psychological research group set out to test our compassion for diminishing groups of recipients, where, for the sake of comparison, the sum total targeted was kept at a constant.

    Surprisingly they discovered that if 8 children each needed $1000, to radically change their lives, making £8000 in total, this was a harder goal to realise through publicity, than simply raising $8000 for one needy child. They next asked the question “How small does a group have to be for “Compassion Fatigue” to set in?” The answer was Two.

    It would seem that your huddled masses and the worlds needy will be best left to those few leaders who can comprehend the enormity of the task in hand. When it comes to raising money and support for 48 children, you might be better served by publishing 48 individual stories rather than saying, “Hey folks, there are 48 of these kids – I can’t do this alone, please help”

    It is counter intuitive and goes against much which I have believed in for much of my own NFP efforts, but if it is correct, it gives you two bites of the “Giving” Cherry.

    One is through individual stories and the other is a broader call to your cause. The first is an individual call to action. The second is a generic call to “Ignore our lethargy” If I’m right, the first will raise the money and the second will be the platform which gets the individual stories out into the community.

    Yours sincerely

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Hi Stevea,

    Great bit of interesting news. Thanks for taking the time to impart your bit of insight on this subject. Today I've had a great opportunity to maximize my opportunity to pull children out of the river. By having an opportunity to receive the gifts of others networking communities.

    According to Joe Girard, we all have at least 18 influential points of contact through the friends we have. Now multiply that by 18 and you've got 324 hot & spicy contacts that makes the gap between shrink. Thanks again Stevea by helping to narrow the gap. And if you or anyone else gets an idea for me please get in contact with me. Thanks!

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    Caring Promotes Exuberance
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Hi you,


    you have become a member of DEREMIAH *CPE's:


    Yez, if you answered this question and received points you have received an exclusive invitation to partner with me in some exciting future projects. No I don't do this all the time so you better get off the potty and make your decision NOW. Go ahead and do it! Do what? well I'm so glad you asked :-)

    Starting tomorrow for the next 3 days you will have the amazing opportunity of a life time...This will be a one time ONLY deal. I will make my email account on my profile available to you. What can you do with my email account? Well go figure! You know have access to one of the most exuberant guys on the planet. And if you don't think so you can continue to hang out with who you've been hanging out with or join me on a new mission of excitement. Seriously I've tossed the word boring out of my dictionary and out of my life. My motto is only boring people are bored. Or in the words of Forest Gump...Boring is as Boring does! So what are you doing right now. Send me an email and let me know. You can have Free access to us building a stronger relationship and even participating in the "THE ONE & ONLY CLUB"'s the New Junta. I know Stevea and I have been having a great time shooting emails from America to Britian.

    Well thanks everybody for your special time and your GREAT energy. Is there anything else I can do for YOU?

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passionate Evangelist)

    *Caring Promotes Exuberance!

    Julietrobertson shoot me an email and I'll answer your questions personally. And anyone else who wants to know the answers to Julietrobertson's post please do the same...or if you want to help me help children...let's do it NOW! Why wait?
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Hi guys,

    I'm still trying to figure out how we can raise more money than Hillary Clinton...(LOL). I guess I'm going to have to become a politician and win the Children's vote. Children seem to be the only ones adults listen to these days and psychologist say it's because of the "Nag Factor". Well I guess I'll have to use an old Benjamin Franklin tactic. Stay tuned for my next question. No I'm not gonna tell you now. But it's coming.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    Caring Promotes Exuberance

    Everyday is a great day to be alive!
    Everyday is a Happy day!
    Keep Smiling! It feels so much better!
    When you SMILE it triggers miles of happy emotions stored in the muscles and memory glands through out your body. I don't care what they say about marketing formulas if you really won't to have more customers than you ever could imagine, externally (outside your company) and internally (inside your company) STOP playin' games with your customers and just make them smile, laugh, giggle, scream with joy, Shout, dance and hug you emphatically...and you'll make more money than you can imagine! That's what I do. It works for me. And if I can do it I'm sure you can!!!
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Dear Deremiah

    I’d just like to thank Juliet via your posting – I’ve corresponded with her and her husband Ewan for some time – they are both friends of my wife, Hilary from the University of Stirling.

    What a wham-bang into MarketingProfs – a superb first contribution!

    Now, Juliet, fill in your Bio please!!!!

    Best wishes

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions and SalesVision

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    I agree with you Stevea,

    Juliet has made a strong post by asking great questions, and by adding great new content to a post that seemed quite filled out.

    Stevea, I hope we have offered you some great ideas to think about on your post which is an interesting question in it's own right. If there is anything that I can help you with in regards to that launch or future projects, please let me know. Thanks.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah *CPE, and new friend.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Dear Deremiah

    The answer is “Yes There Is”

    And it lies in your ability to show inspiration.

    You and I appear to come from similar roots – the opposite sides of the railway tracks from our families, our differing origins and our joint desire to achieve something in our own right.

    I would be honoured to work with you on any project or idea where you felt that I might just possibly be of assistance.

    Yours sincerely

    Steve Alker
    SalesVision and Unimax Solutions

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author

    Hey Stevea,

    I knew it was something amazingly special about you!

    I've got a project you can work with me on and it's one where both of us can make each other proud we did. If Hillary Clinton can raise 80 million I'm sure we can raise a poor little 3 Million dollars for some children who've done nothing to deserve the challenges they've faced. They were just born on the wrong side of the tracks. A side where some people don't have hopes, or dreams let alone a business of their own. As a matter of fact a few people have stepped up to talk about taking action.

    As of today Wednesday April 18th, we've got what I've been telling the children is ---22--- "DAYS TO GREATNESS"

    We can use the following gentleman as an example of what is possible. He did this in the early 1900's. This gentleman raised enough money to build a University. His name was Russell Conwell and here's the link that tells the story he told to do that amazing dream.

    So that answers JulietRobertson's question below.

    1) How much money does the group need? Just 3 million And how quickly? 22 days....This may affect your approach.

    2) For how long does this sum of money need to be in place? for the next year.

    Does a trust fund need to be established to ensure an annual sum of money? YES!

    3)In what way will the funds raise meet the aims and objectives of the group. This will secure the future but we need to generate a trust fund that will allow us to capture that much money in earnings in interest every year to begin.

    This organization accepts no government funding only private and corporate donors.

    Hey Stevea, I'll shoot you an email and we will talk. Maybe we can create a huge PR campaign that will allow us to bring the right attention to this challenge. This school was founded by Abraham Lincoln's son Robert Todd Lincoln, so the school has a great legacy. Maybe we can generate PR linked to the legacy or something much better. Thanks Stevea, besides you Kathysmithcasting and W.M.M.A aka Randall said he would cut a check. So I've got a few volunteers. Thanks so much. This is not an Impossible FEAT...Just a "Daring Disappearing Act" where we can DARE to make the small debt DISAPPEAR. Thanks! Could you also pass this info on to Juliet. Thanks!

    Is there anything I can do for you? Go ahead and name it...let me be of service to you! Go ahead "I'll Make YOUR DAY!"

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    Caring Promotes Exuberance

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