
Topic: Advertising/PR

Statistics On Cost And And Effectiveness Of Ads

Posted by jason on 250 Points
Hi -- looking for some stats on the effectiveness of different types of advertising - print, tv, radio, mail - etc..

Also would be great to get a sense of cost per customer or some type of metric based on the various forms of advertising.

Anyone run across any documents posted or have any info they can share??

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  • Posted by lathans on Member
    There are way too many variables to answer this with any kind of accuracy; it depends on your industry, frequency, reach, spend, market, message, art, placement, etc. There is no "general" outcome.

    In any event, your individual media reps can give you their GRPs, circulation, audience, and open-rate stats per the source based on your budget and market, so at least you'll need those pieces of info.

    If you give more specific information maybe we can help you out a little better.
  • Posted by jason on Author
    Thanks for the reply.

    A little more background -- With coupons, people would say that 0.05% (by example) was an acceptable or "normal" type of response rate to expect from a campaign.

    I'm trying to compare the relative effectiveness of each media -- for example, what does the "average" radio spot or newspaper ad cost and how relatively effective are they. It would assume that the media buyers track response rates and the like.

    Why am I looking for this? Suppose I was a new media provider and wanted to build a business case for my media as opposed to traditional media.

    Anyway, I know this is an "interesting" question, but wondered if anyone had any reference.

  • Posted on Member

    As per experience working for an Online marketing firm.
    I would advice you to opt for Email Marketing using permission based Email for the following reasons.
    1. Easy to reach, less time consuming, Economical, effective in reaching mass audience
    2.1/10 the cost of direct marketing and 10 time power full than direct marketing
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    1) Email ever delivered to.
    2) People who reviewed your Email
    3) No of clicks
    4) Email Reponses
    5) Leads

    4. easy to experiment with.
    5. Easy to analyze and correct.
    I can also provide you with some referral of best vendors in market you can reach me at
  • Posted by Tracey on Member
    I don't really have a good answer for you, but I think you have to narrow down the type of media you want the "average" cost for. National newspapers will differ greatly from local, and trade pubs will be a lot cheaper than a national mag.

    As for response, you can measure the response if there's a coupon or ad-specific 800# or website. If there's no ad-specific call to action, you can only measure a raise in awareness rates, which I've seen done pretty much through surveys, probably done mostly by big consumer brands as that can be costly for just 1 ad campaign.

    I've had a few PR firms that measure an article placement in a pub to be worth 3 times as much as an ad costs. That's still subjective, though.
  • Posted by lathans on Accepted
    I'll reiterate that an ad depends on a lot of factors. You could get a :15 radio spot in AM drive time on the highest rated station in an A market for an open rate of $2500, but in a C market on the worst station that same spot would be $25. Radio spots work best to drive traffic to events. Print ads, especially in the newspaper, are the same way. A display ad in the Sunday retail section of a major metro paper might be $100/inch, but the same size ad in your local daily would be $5/inch. Newspapers work best for announcements and events, especially sales. Newspaper readership is declining, but radio listenstenership is up due to more cars, traffic congestion, and streaming audio at work.
    If you want to do comparisons, you'd have to do that per market. I'm not sure what kind of new media you're talking about, but if it's electronic it will definitely be less expensive than the aforementioned media. However, it tends to be less targeted, too, when comparing to a local market.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Hi there

    i am not sure there is any universal data on the effectiveness of various media since, as others have mentioned, it varies in markets, industry, and media off-course. above all the effectiveness of any ad in a media is highly dependant on the consumer behaviour and demographics.

    an ad in a regional newspaper targeted to that particular area, if campaign is successful, will have much more effectiveness than same ad on a national newspaper. so, the effectiveness also depends on the SUCCESS of the ad/campaign. again you shouldnt compare the effectiveness of newspaper with FM Radio or Primetime TV spot, as you need to compare apple to apple ;-)

    in order to help you more, we actually need to know more about your media and the purpose for which that media will be used; is it for Sales promo, launch announcement etc??

    you can also check the following links of answers of similar question asked in this forum.


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