
Topic: Strategy

How Do I Launch A New Sales Process

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I have the new Sales System, its components and all its tools ready for launch. What are the proper steps to launching a new sales system. We do not have a formalized system yet and this will be the first organized approach to date. We are manufacturing company with a network of Independent Sales People.

I am prepared for video as part of the launch or other venues. The Independent sales reps are all across the country so a one on one platform would not work unless its video.

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  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    can you provide more details?

    For example, what country are you in? What kind of products do you manufacture? Do your "independent" sales reps primarily sell your product, or is it a small percentage of their typical sales? Do you typically contract with individuals or with sales teams? What countries are your sales reps in?

    what do you mean by a sales system? Are you referring to some sort of lead tracking program, or are you referring to sales collateral and presentation tools?

    More importantly, what benefit (if any) does your new sales system provide to these independent sales reps?

    If you provide more details, we can be more helpful and specific in our advice. Good luck.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I have helped a number of organizations launch new systems. Here are a few thoughts:
    1) don't expect instant buy in
    2) the message needs to be delivered often and in many different ways
    3) old habits die slowly, be prepared to work on it for months not weeks
    4) coaching is important - some people will need coaching help
    5) enforcement - if they waver in flowing the system, you need to have a mechanism to enforce
    6) think this through completely. Launching a new system is a once every 5 year thing. If you have a new system every year - you get chaos..

    If you would like to chat, reach me via my profile
  • Posted by cookmarketing@gmail. on Accepted
    Unknown author, Unknown system, Unknown scale, Unknown size of a gentleman who has done several roll outs, though a longer timeline, you and your company have a certain profile customer you are seeking.

    Find the dominate 'player', the one that influences the others. Take your time, make sure of who it may be...and the kicker...give it to them with a guarantee, if they ain't happy, you'll bounce it back.

    If your system is that good, meaning a real tiebreaker with all the others out there:

    a) Is it that good?
    b) Prove it with a leader/influencer
    c) a & b works, business will seek you
    d) if a&b doesn't work, you've saved yourself a lot of time and money

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