
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Business Name & Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have a full service marketing company that needs a new name and of our newest projects is a shop local campaign...
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Seriously, providing a name and tagline for a brand new businesses like this isn't the best way forward, to do both and make them meaningful SHOULD take you through a proper process.

    You must already have an idea for a name!
    Something meaningful to you maybe? Your name for example.

    Or you could go down the modern way and choose something abstract! What's your fave colour and fruit? What name does that give you?

    I would strongly suggest you spend a little bit of money (not loads) and just click on "Post a Project" on the right >>>

    Good Luck

  • Posted on Author
    i was thinking something to do with a dragonfly since it symbolizes
    renewal, positive force and the power of life in general, change, new beginnings
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Seems sensible, good name. Now we need to work that into an available URL. Why not add a colour. Blue Dragonfly for example gives you an instant identity for your website and literature, or how about "Marketing Dragonfly".

    For a tagline just quote the work you do. Take a look at to see what we've done!

    Good Luck

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    A name is what you want to make of it. Dragonfly certainly doesn't sound corporate - is that who you're trying to attract? Focus on your target market first. Will your proposed name be a plus or a minus to them? If you do amazing work, it won't matter what your name is - people will be hiring you for results, not your name (or tagline).
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Business naming is such an emotive topic, and quite rightly as you will hopefully be stuck with it for a long time.

    There are three schools of thought when it comes to naming a business:

    1. The old school, make it fit your business (and market) and tell them what you do, have a descriptive name - it's good advice, really good and has worked well for businesses such as KFC, Yellow Pages, Best Western etc

    2. Have a new, modern name that doesn't really mean anything - the problem most businesses face is that all the very best business names have gone, and so have their URL's, so choosing a new name becomes difficult. If you pick something 'left of field' then your name maybe unique in your market and attract clients because it's qwerky! Businesses like Amazon, Google, Pepsi, Nike etc have done extremely well with this strategy, but usually these businesses need to use a tagline or slogan to help remind customers what they do, or to educate!

    3. There is a third way, which is a mixture of both of these approaches, or name it after yourself! And businesses like FedEx, Apple, BMW, Coca-Cola etc do very well in this space, these businesses also like to have a tagline for clarity and educational purposes!

    Ultimately it doesn't matter which road you take, you obviously need to work a little harder to describe who you are if you choose something slightly different and wacky - we all know what "The Best Marketing Company" do and how they position themselves, "Marketing Dragonfly", is a little more tricky, but not too difficult to work out what they do, and a nice tagline to explain your proposition in more detail would be a nice touch. I also think that an explanation of why you chose "Dragonfly" in your "About US" section would be great. You could get some better PR using Dragonfly too!

    It really is up to you and what you feel most comfortable with; obviously do not ignore your market, think of them and how they would react to your name. If you were looking for marketing services how would you react to it?
    My old business was called "Black and White Marketing", because I see things in black and white, no grey and we operated transparently, and you know what, no-one ever got confused about the name and what we did! I never even used a tagline!

    The biggest challenge for a start up business is awareness, and no matter what name you choose, a tag line can be a very memorable way to etch your business, its mission, your promise and why you are special into the markets mind.
    Keep in mind that awareness building is a slow and repetitious process. So if you go the tagline route, be prepared to keep it for a long time. You will certainly tire of it well before the market does.

    My recommendation is for you to stick to your guns and follow through with a tagline that explains exactly what you do. The name and personality of your business is a HUGE percentage of what your business brand is and means.

    Whatever you decide, may I wish you the very best of luck.


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