
Topic: Other

Do You Know A Buyer For This Business?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am marketing a medical book publishing company for sale or merger that has traditionally printed authoratative books targeted to physicians. They have over 100 titles covering most chronic conditions. These books have been sold in bulk to phara companies and distributed to the docs. With changes in the delivery of information, and tighter controls on what pharma can give to docs, I am seeking a buyer who values the intellectual property and has an outlet for the content as on-line info or in the printed book medium. Can you refer me to qualifed buyers that can benefit from this business?
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I work with a couple of medical publishers. Please email me directly so that I can pass along a couple contact names, email addresses, etc.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    As someone who has dabbled in book publishing, I can tell you that the pool of companies who are willing to pay for proven IP is dwindling quickly. There's just too much out there now, and more coming out every day.

    I looked at buying a few dozen titles on another topic (not medical), and the value in the seller's mind was 20 times what it was to an objective outsider (me, but confirmed several colleagues).

    The value of a book is highly dependent on how you plan to market it. And if you don't have some remarkable distribution plan that will let you revolutionize the process, it's unlikely that a title will be worth much -- especially if it isn't new/fresh.

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