
Topic: Other

How Do You Become..."the Greatest Show On Earth"?

Posted by Deremiah *CPE on 2069 Points

Hi, my name is Deremiah, *CPE and I would like to become your friend. Beginning today and ONLY for the next FOUR business days I will be asking the most intriguing questions you have ever heard me ask on this forum.

While I speak motivationally and have great relationships with the Nightingale-Conant family my life goal is to provide more opportunities for children than anyone you've ever heard of in this or any other age. Can I count on you to help me do that? Thanks!

Now I personally invite you, every friend, family member or Marketingprofs Expert to be my special guess for the NEXT MOST EXCITING FOUR DAYS of your life!

The questions I will ask will spread across many categories in hopes to get you to the state of mind you will need to be in to answer the FINAL QUESTION this Friday, April 6th, 2007 @ --6:09 PM Sharp-- Central Time.

I can not say this enough...Each question is somehow connected to the other so if you miss one (I hope you don't) there will be a DIS-CONNECT in how you SEE the final question. Of course it is my prayer that YOU WILL not MISS one single question because it will be equal to trying to answer something you have not prepared for.

Many people will not participate because most people lack the ability to *** KEEP FOCUSED ***. And this is the primary reason why most people fail (but I've been quite successful). Because in order to succeed in anything *** FOCUS *** is required.

I will try to make this part easy ---by making the questions mean so much more to you in content, personal value and points--- but I have not decided how I will reward those points so PLEASE give your best answers.

SO HERE WE GO with the SECOND question.

Are you AWAKE?!!!

Please pay CLOSE attention!


In this day and age you just can't be good if you want to be've got to be Outrageously Great! You've got to create powerfully dynamic and unforgettable experiences that no one wants to forget.

now on with the question...

You know they say the first impression is the last impression. Do you believe that? They say it only takes you approximately six seconds for absolutely anyone to determine if you are worth their time. Scientist have also proven that you and I judge more about a person from what we see and what a person says in their non-verbal actions more than anything else in the very beginning. So here's your question...

If you only had just one opportunity to impress the person you were about to meet would you

A.) Be more concerned about how you looked than what you said?

B.) Be more concerned about what you said than how you appeared to them?

C.) Be more concerned about getting their attention through trying to show-off in hopes of impressing them to take an interest in you?

or would you

D.) Be who you are and do the things that have brought you more notoriety and more abundant success even though a few times people have been offended by your outrageous behavior?

You can only chose one answer from above and you must explain or communicate why you feel the answer you are chosing is right. You might even give an example to support why you feel so confident in your answer?

NOTE: (this question will not be up longer than *** 69 hours ***... so please after you answer the question notify at least one marketingprof friend to take a shot).

Thank you so much. You're such a wonderful, amazing precious human being. Never let anyone ever convince you of anything different. And if they think differently tell them "What you think about me is none of my business". Is there anything else I can do for you? You know more than anything I'd love to help. Serving customers like you is so wonderful!!!

Is there anything I can do for you?

Your Servant,

Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passionate Executive)

*Caring Promotes Exuberance

REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    hi deremiah
    i would like to go with the D option ,because i feel that it will not be always that you will meet people who will always understand you i the way you want but in trying to influence them you should not loose your identity . i have seen that people become less productive then what they are just because of trying to be someone they are not ,they are always trying to influence their boss,or subordinates and in this process they loose what substantial they can contribute.
    so i would say be what you are because if every person person preserve their uniqueness then they can contribute something unique to the world,and to talk in terms of influencing world i would say that people try to find their confidence in others so if they see that you are confident with what you are then they will come after you to see what you have.
  • Posted by hotbuttons on Accepted
    I wish that I could say that everyone who has met me loves me however I would be lying. I will state for the record though that I am memorable.

    Building rapport (or at least attempting to) is something that I am good at simply because I am "me". I really don't care if you are a janitor or the CEO of some Fortune 500. People are people and deserving of common courtesy, friendliness, and an open ear regardless of their social status and this is what I give. I have the ability to make you feel like we have been friends forever and try to find a common ground so as to strike up conversation. This may or may not lead to a sale, lead, etc.

    I am also a tad bit nutty. Fiery redhead with a tongue in cheek sense of humor. I love banter and finding a worthy adversary within a crowd. I steer clear of game faces and the wifm personalities as they just put a frown on my face and make me swear under my breath.

    I guess I should acknowledge at this point that I pick D. Stay true to yourself and *&%$ the games. If you are good at what you do and have people who realize your value, that is real success.

    I could put on a number of different faces if I really tired but why bother? I am who I am and pretty darn happy with all of those voices in my head too!


  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Always better (and easier!!!) to be who you are. Invariably you will be in a room with 2 people you've met before. Better make certain you're not a split personality at that point.

    What's missing here is that you need to become the type of person who truly cares about others so that it is second nature...not an act.

    I can remember meeting a customer once who was very standoffish. I'd learned later on that she was bothered by my "frankness". Who told me that? She did when she hired me several years later.

  • Posted on Accepted
    My answer would be:

    D.) Be who you are and do the things that have brought you more notoriety and more abundant success even though a few times people have been offended by your outrageous behavior?

    Without a doubt, when you are being yourself, regardless of the type of person you are...people will respect you more for being yourself. If you are truly comfortable in your skin, then you will project a nice appearance and have great communication, just by being yourself and being comfortable.

    Promo Chic
  • Posted by Tracey on Accepted
    D is my answer.

    Ever read Joseph Campbell? His mantra is, "Find your bliss." That is, find the thing that drives you and do that, because when you do what you love and be yourself, the money and success will follow. If you try to do something you hate, you won't be good at it, and success can be fleeting.

    So, even though I won't impress everyone by just being me, I think I can impress enough people to get what I need to succeed. I will then be able to follow through on my commitments, because I've presented genuinely. If I do A - C, I might impress more people, but that success and happiness will only be temporary, because I can't carry on a false impression forever.

    When I need to impress, I really just try to prepare more, and find out what the other person wants/needs, and address those needs. I also take care in speaking concisely and powerfully.
  • Posted by Jeff K. on Accepted
    Hi Deremiah -

    I'm sure you are seeing the answer you expected to see with this question! Of the four choices, D is obviously the one that will get you further in live. If not monetarily, then certainly in satisfaction. A thru C all play their own part in accomplishing D, but ultimately you must be true to yourself.

    I've know people who would weave a web of deceit to make themselves seem more impressive and put together. Perhaps many times they would fool people, but when I watched them from afar, you can tell that they are ultimately not happy. Why? Because they are missing the satisfaction of being who they are. We all are here on Earth for a certain reason and our goal should be to find that reason and excel at it!

    Thanks for the question, on to number 3!

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Hi you,

    hope you're having a great day. Mine fantastic! Things going super and I've been thinking about you all day all day and the answers you've given. Just got back from another slammin' shoulder rubbing opportunity and a great bunch of people who appreciate Customer PASSION. Wish you were here. Now I've got to speak to Shabba.

    He Shabba,

    liked your response particularly the "you should not loose your identity" part.

    Man that's grreat!

    NEVER lose your identity, be what you are all sounds great! But

    a lot of people do not truly know how to do that. Do you think you could be an expert for just one moment and explain how you do that? You know for the person that's struggling. The people who are showing that negative, nervous, unconfident image side of themselves. Thanks guy!

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE Customer Passion Evangelist

    Caring Promotes Exuberance
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Hi Tracy,

    with a name like Hotbuttons we better keep you all buttoned up...(lol).

    Well I'm so glad you could join me today and thank you for being my special guest and for telling one other person about this question.

    It's great to hear your confidence in the area of building rapport. Knowing how to build rapport is a real art form and I've developed an entire Brainlog full of geniune techniques to do it.

    As Shakespeare said "To thine own self be true...". Do your thang Tracy. But tell me why do you think the other answers don't work as well as the one you chose. You're the greatest!

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    Caring Promotes Exuberance
  • Posted by hotbuttons on Accepted
    Hi Deremiah,

    The other answers probably do work and I have most likely missed out on opportunities with a choice to stick to my guns per say.

    I'm not loud and boisterous nor do I swing from the chandeliers to gain attention however I am far from the quiet church mouse sitting in the corner. I tone it down when the setting calls for a more subdued approach yet I always try to be true to myself.

    I have a genuine like of people. Even the a**holes once you have stripped them of their hard exterior. I know I am overly optimistic but wouldn't it be great if we could all just be ourselves and sell/service/assist/ etc without worrying about what others think?

    I think that'd be pretty awesome myself.

    So for those who picked A, B, or C, you have your reasons and you might very well be able to outshine me anyday when it comes to bottom line profits. I tend to rattle off what first comes to mind and can honestly admit to the fact that there are some who can't stand me.

    I like that too though!

    Ha ha!

  • Posted on Accepted
    D - perform the best being myself

    A,B & C - tried in the past, failed terribly
  • Posted on Accepted
    As you worded them "None of the above" might be my choice. It would have been fine if you just said "Be who you are."

    I am about to reveal something very personal.

    I'm not the smartest person, nor am I the best dresser. I am not quick with an answer, and frequently, I forget everything we talked about - sometimes while we are still talking. (I have not always been that way, but 12 years ago I was a fast tracker climbing up the latter - but life had different plans - I had brain surgery and lost the feeling on my left side of my entire body (result - can't run or play racquetball - something I loved and short term memory is gone).

    But I still have a family to support - I sell 3d glasses to retailers and even with a disability I've had great success - Last year we were in over 8,000 retail stores - up from 3,000 stores previous year - and am on track to double that this year! 3d glasses - what could be harder to sell? People love them - Holiday Specs - see my profile - I'm happy to send samples upon request.

    Anyway, I do it by being the best I can be and have learned to live and work with the hand I've been delt - the key is to embrace it, cherish it, be thankful for it and do your best -

    Literally, it's all I can do to be myself. Anything else would fail miserably - most people don't know I have a disability, and frankly most likely don't really care - it never comes up - you can't look at me and tell anything is wrong...

    Which is as it should be - most people can see if you are being who you are and they apreciate it.

    Good luck, this is fun and thought provoking

    Figure out what is really important - what is going to matter 1,000 years from now and embrace it, cherish it and BE it. It's all you really have.

    God Loves you
  • Posted by prerna.arvind on Accepted
    D is my answer
    My reasons......

    *If I cannot impress someone by being myself (which is what I’m best at being) ,I don’t see how I’d manage that, by being someone I’m not..

    * I would rather have some one dislike me for who I am than who I'm not ......

    * If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything. ~Mark Twain
    i.e, if you gain applause (appreciation) for an act, you have to keep that act going…. (trust me that’s far too tiring than we would like to believe :-) )

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I've found that the best way to impress a person is to take a genuine interest in them and what's important to them. This has been so effective for me, that it's become part of who I am. I want to learn all I can about each person I meet, and then relate to the things that are interesting to them. I probably started this approach because I thought it would impress people, but it's proven to be a great way to view the people I meet and a basis for some lasting relationships.

    This isn't literally on your list (A-D), but for me it's closest to D, because it's really who I have become.

    I've learned a lot from this approach ... about the people I've met, about the world we live in, and about myself.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Dear Deremiah

    Being English, this question is relatively easy, but thank you for asking it anyhow.

    One’s breeding looks after (A), or one’s valet if one is Prince Charles.

    Training looks after (B)

    (C) is inconceivable for a gentleman or lady

    This leaves me with (D), which is what the family motto bangs on about.

    Keep up the good work – we’ll make an honorary Englishman out of you yet!

    Best wishes with your quest

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Your assumption is that you will only have one chance to impress someone - but I believe this is rarely the case in business.

    In today's interconnected world, we can impress folks directly, e.g. in a personal meeting, or through connections and colleagues. We have many ways to approach and connect with them, and it is my belief that a persistent message and approach will win the day the greatest percentage of the time.

    Fortunately, your question does not describe the world we live in. If I had to answer your question directly, I would choose D, as you apparently intended when you worded the question.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Hi guys,

    very interesting responses especially the way you percieve I stacked the questions.

    Steve interesting twist on why you chose A. Either way it goes you’re on the road to becoming the Greatest Show on Earth.

    Turqiz...My sister, I guess when you've been translating books for others from English to Hebrew you must learn an awful lot. You are very interesting to read and a unique brand all your own. Yes most people live to make a good impression because they have a need and a desire to fit in with others because of our need to belong. So Turqiz you have picked up on something emotional quality most resonate towards. The art of appearance and our dire need to conform to the laws of beauty.

    Now Turqiz, while it appears I am leading the witness many are finding courage to choose choices other than D. But I actually think they're all pulled toward "D" because of the magnetism my name is generating. Which is provoked by the historical meaning of the letter "D". Do you know what that is? You know the "D" is the symbol for door and this makes you want to come in because it's so inviting. Welcome!

    according to World Books History on the letter:

    The letter D is the fourth letter of our alphabet. It was also the fourth letter in the alphabet used by the Semites, who once lived in Syria and Palestine.

    The ancient Egyptians drew this symbol of a door with panels about 3000 B.C. The Semites adapted the symbol and named it daleth, their word for door. The Phoenicians used a triangle in their alphabet about 1000 B.C. The Greeks, about 600 B.C., shaped the letter as an equilateral triangle. They called their letter delta. The Romans rounded the letter and gave it its capital form about A.D. 114.

    Jcrooks has also come across an interesting assessment. People are evaluating us! Thanks for your input too Tracey, you have found your Bliss and it's rather interesting in how you see A-C and that you chose "D" but when you prepare to impress you find out wht the other person wants/needs and address those needs.

    Asabamon, thanks for quoting Shakespeare.

    Rather interesting choices Jo especially in the fact that you chose all of them...I call that the Jays potato chip approach...(you can't eat just one).

    Jeff K., to be honest I didn not expect to see "D" and you might be surprised reading the post and finding that some are choosing letters other than "D"...I wonder why. Is that because we see things differently or is it because we are all NOT the same?

    Good input hotbuttons…stick to your guns and SURPRISE the other answers do work...But now you're branding with confidence.

    Steve, now you're going against the majority "D" gang and you're all the way over into the "A" zone. Very interesting input. Hey guys check out steve's response I think he's branding.

    Retail it appears you have discovered the wisdom of the ages and that is nothing can hold you back more than your own self limiting beliefs about yourself. So you're a none of the above would be your choice the way they were worded kind of person. That's totally okay.

    Proeditor I didn’t know you were an EFN. Thanks for chiming in and keep on. So you think "D" could make you do all the A-B-C thang. Quite interesting.

    Prena, thanks for quoting Mark Twain. I see you too chose "D" that your final answer?

    Mgoodman, that's the same approach I learned through listening to Jay Abraham. So you're in good company. Thanks for chiming in.

    Hey Barq, I didn't know your were an INFJ...that's great. And more power to you...You don't have to be a "Show Off" to have the greatest show on earth. Wonderful.

    Steve Alker...hooray! You're going to make me an Honorary English man out of me! Pretty interesting way you assessed things. I guess you'll have to send me an email to help me understand why you couldn't go with the others.

    Telemoxie your perception of this question and what it means to you is so much more important and interesting than the question all together. Truly I did not align the questions in a format that would bring about any consistent answers. Actually I didn't have anything to do with the outcomes at all. What if I told you that I didn't even write the question?

    Thanks everyone you guys are amazing. Keep up the great work and continue to show others how you become "The Greatest Show On Earth"

    Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    A point has been made of which I must ask the question...

    "How many times do you get to make a good first impression?"

    Well here's how I'd answer the question from experience. And no matter what they teach you at Harvard I've learned from the ghettos of Chicago that what they say about "experience being the best teacher" is true. When you couple your experiences with the experiences you gather from others it tis true! I remember like it was yesterday an extremely generous man that was a VP of Sales for one of the most well known companies here in America... took out many countless hours of his own personal time to guide me in my youth on my first job. His goal was to help me become successful. I was then, as in most jobs I've had in very well to do companies, the only Black man in the company and a youth at that with no previous Fortune 500 experience. He sensed I was in foreign waters and outside of my element (the hood) so he took much liberty to teach me the ropes and to show me how to become successful among a new culture of men and women but most importantly how to succeed and approach business using the same tools, techniques and talents he knew would cause me to be a winner in any circle of business people. And he was quite a consultative salesman for I spent many hours studying, and watching him like I was an actor training for his part. but here is what I do remember him saying and I'll never forget what he said when he answered the question above like this. So lean over close to me and pay attention because I want say it loudly...he said,

    "You never get a ---second time--- to make a good ***FIRST*** Impression."

    Now you can believe what you want but Momma told me I could take that one to the bank. And I've been cashing in on that one for quite a while. So what is the moral of the story....Listen to the Voice of Experience or stumble blindly.

    If the blind lead the blind they both fall in a ditch, but if the wise lead the blind you'll never find a glitch.

    I love you and I want the best for you. That's what you deserve. So take it while it's available and run as fast as the wind. Is there anything else I can do for you? Seriously, you can get my email off of my profile and I always read my emails even when they come in...even by the thousands. I have lots of time for those who want to learn because I'm a giver according to Myers Briggs for all you tracking assessment test keepers.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Hi you,


    you have become a member of:


    Starting tomorrow for the next 10 days you will have the amazing opportunity of a life time...This will be a one time ONLY deal. I will make my email account on my profile available to you. What can you do with my email account? You can have Free access to us building a stronger relationship and even participating in the "NEW JUNTA"...The Greatest Show On Earth Club.

    Well thanks everybody for your special time and your unique energy.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passionate Evangelist)

    *Caring Promotes Exuberance!
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Will do, Deremiah - and feel free to contact me as well!

    And well done with this - inspiring!

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author


    for participating in such a wonderful experience. I'm going to close this question now before someone else I love so dearly does. I've have been contacted off line by a great deal of you and I am humbled by the experience. Thank you so much. Your friend for all Eternity.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    Caring Promotes Exuberance

    Is there anything else I can do for you?

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