
Topic: E-Marketing

What Are The Top 5 Things To Make Emails Convert?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have built a modest list and have been building a relationship with them by providing information.

Now I want to write emails which are powerful conversion tools. I am selling information products.

What are the crucial elements of the email I need to include.

e.g. guarantee
Call to action
what are the other crucial factors?
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Always remember:



    Why Me (reader)
    Why You (writer)
    Why This (offer)
    Why Now (urgency, scarcity)
    Why This Price (value)

    Good luck!
  • Posted on Accepted
    1. The list
    If you send it to the "wrong" people, it will fail, no matter how great the subject line, the product, or the offer.

    2. The subject line.
    It's got to grab the attention of the person who got the email; otherwise they won't open it.

    3. Have a great offer.
    This doesn't have to be a sale. It's simply what readers will get by responding. It's got to be something people want (badly), that solves a troubling problem.

    4. Benefits
    Paint a picture of all the benefits the buyer gets by acting. The customer has to be the hero (not you). Make the details all about how much money or time they'll save, the problem they'll solve, etc.

    5. Clear call to action.
    If you don't ask, you won't get. Make sure your call to action is obvious, and that it's easy for people to take the action you want (all the links work, the next steps are spelled out clearly, etc).


  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Hi Josephine!

    Here's my mumble two cents' worth on writing emails designed to act as powerful conversion tools:

    1. A great relationship with the prospect.

    2. A killer subject line.

    3. A hook or anchor—something to engage the reader. This can
    be some problem or pain they have, to which only you have the solution.

    4. A compelling offer that's ladened with benefits and that's connected to a tight deadline, thereby giving reasons to respond NOW, and not next week.

    5. Strong calls to action and a repetition of your main offer in the P.S.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

    P.S. I have a trade for you. I have a killer, mind-boggling
    e-mail writing resource, but I'm afraid I must insist on you
    e-mailing me for the details, if you're interested.

    Let me be clear on this: THERE IS NO CATCH. None at all. I don't work like that and never have done.

    I'm NOT selling it, I have NO affiliate connection, but as an Internet marketer, this resource is a MUST HAVE, and unlike many, many other resources along these lines, this one's free, and it rocks. It's also connected with a certain Mr. Kern, who, if you're an Internet marketer in the know, is a name you'll recognize.

    I've downloaded this resource, I've tried it, and it works SEAMLESSLY. This little package makes writing e-mails almost laughably easy. And if all THAT isn't enough, with just a wee bit of tinkering, it does 95 percent of the work for you. At first I thought it was utter BS, but it's truly a stunning tool that saves tons of work.

    Interested? I mentioned a trade. One resource for another. Nothing to buy or sell. If you'd like to hear more about this e-mail writing resource, and about my request in exchange, send me an e-mail via my profile.

  • Posted by matthewmnex on Member
    All excellent thoughts and advise above but I will add one more absolutely essential tool to get it right.


    make sure that you have the right tracking tools to understand the flow of traffic all the way from email success delivery to opn to click to landing page and to conversion.

    Without this, you have no basis for measurement.

    Assuming that you have these tools in place then; A / B testing can start.

    make it A /B C if you can.

    Try simple tests with different subject lines,

    Different calls to action, different images, different buttons in the emails.

    Afeter that - Different landing pages, different prices and on and on and on...

    It is a science more than an art and the wonderful thing is that we have all the tools at our fingertips to measure results in a scientific manner.

    Despite the recession, we have doubled our conversions across all our product lines over the past 1.5 years with extensive split testing and incremental improvement of each and every aspect of our communications.

    Feel free to get in touch if you would like more info, I am currently sending 20M opted in emails per month so feel free to draw from the well. :))

  • Posted by michael on Member
    Interrupt (it's noisy out there!)
    Intensify interest (why should I read more?)
    Inform (the message)
    Initiate inquiry (what more do I need?)


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