
Topic: Strategy

Lead Generation Initiatives - Ideas?

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points

I've been asked to provide some suggestions for online and offline lead generation initiatives we can implement in Europe on short notice.

Budget: 150K
Business: high-end computer software
Target audience:
- mid & senior level IT
- business managers

Stuff that we've done in the past and are currently doing include: white paper and demo downloads on our website, live seminars for prospects etc...

So I'm looking for some new ideas.

Any suggestions?

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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Tamara,

    How are your strategic partner initiatives?

    This could be a great source in many ways such as co-sharing of leads lists, link-exchanges, co-branding on e-newsletters, co-hosting seminars etc. - many possibilities both online and offline.

    When executed so it is a win/win situation this is an excellent way to acquire qualified and often referred leads.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Hi Tamara,

    Currently,we are in the middle of a project almost identical to yours. Our client is an IT service provider in the UK. Their needs are practically identical to the dilemma you described.

    Having that been said, it would be my pleasure to discuss your project in greater detail. I am confident we can assist you in formulating an effective strategy, plan, and series of tactics.

    Just click on my name in order to acquire my contact details.

    Thank You and I look forward to speaking with you!

    --Blaine Wilkerson
    Pres., Jett Enterprises
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Can you provide any more details? "High End Computer Software" is a bit vague, so if I'm off target here, I applogize. Is this a US or UK or European company?

    Most companies today are trying to eliminate, rather than add, new IT vendors. This makes it more important than ever to try to get your foot in the door now...

    Most IT folk I talk with are looking for companies with specific and recent experience in their market. Rather than focusing on your ability to solve all problems for everyone, could you break the market into subsets, and identify specific examples where you have had success? Could you prepare industry specific case studies and have one or more happy customers present their experiences with your solution, possibly at a trade show related to that solution, and invite other industry folk to the specific and targeted presentation?

    If it were me, I'd determine my best fits from a vertical market point of view, and I'd announce the program both to the IT side and the business side of selected companies. I would ask the business side to forward info on the presentation to folks attending the trade show.

    If the project were in the States, I could easily help you build a targeted list of companies in each vertical. I have very limited marketing to Europe, but I do have extensive software sales and sales management experience...

    Others have thrown their hat in the ring, I will as well. If you would like some help in designing and implementing such a program, click on my name to the right, give me a ring. Good luck.

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