
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Product Name For Mortgage Operations Manual

Posted by sb on 2700 Points
Need a name for a Hard Money Operations Manual that people who want to become hard money mortgage lenders.

This is an Upsell from our product that they already bought for $397 called Packaging The Deal. And the Lead Magnet is the book Making The Yield.

Audience are mortgage brokers who want to become big boy mortgage pool lenders, raising their own money to manage their own funds.

Looking for a Product Name and perhaps a Tag Line.

Thank you kindly in advance.
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Earlier this morning I skimmed through an article written by "experts" in neuro-marketing.

    The "experts" stated there are three kinds of buyers: tightwads, spendthrifts, and average buyers.

    Three kinds of buyers, huh?

    I think not. There are four.

    Wrong position.

    Wrong answer.

    Opportunity-missing thinking.

    Then I came across your question and all kinds of pieces began slotting into place. What follows is not the whole picture … not yet anyway, because I'm far from the smartest person in the room. However, while I've got a few of the answers, I don't have them all.

    So, if I understand this correctly, your offer roles out as follows:

    Step 1, product name: Making the Yield (your lead magnet).

    Step 2, product name: Packaging the Deal (your initial, offer selling for $397).


    In steps 1. and 2. you've talked about things outside your buyer's inner world (the yield and the deal).

    I'll get to step 3 in a moment.

    But first, and from what I know of information product upsell cycles, 70 to 75 percent of buyers who took you up on your initial, $397 offer will be quite happy with the lead magnate, and with your initial product. Or, they'll be too fearful or too resistant in terms of price aversion to take you up on your next offer.

    And that's OK.

    These fearful buyers are not REALLY afraid, they simply haven't yet seen enough evidence to persuade them to take the next step (your upsell), or, to take step 4 after that (which comes AFTER step 3, on which more in a moment).

    If you're already thinking about step 4, great! If not, step 4 can be where the greater (and longer lasting) returns kick in.

    Now, although the 70 to 75 percent who have not taken your next offer may be unresponsive, there are still some of them who will take you up on your offers, once they've had more reassurance and hand holding. This means you need to keep messaging to these people on 30, 60, and 90 day cycles.

    As each 30 day period closes out and the people on your list have not bought, move them on to an additional list through which you send them other targeted content that drives them to a series of evergreen, perpetual-launch style blog entries.

    Each list has stand alone content, and each entry has valuable micro content that's not available elsewhere in your information cycle. By using specific, 30-day styles lists and message cycles you can automate your flow AND track where each sales offer click comes from.

    This enables you to split test and fine tune specific message body copy, e-mail subject lines, article headlines, and call-to-action wording. This way you can weed out the elements that pull the fewest numbers of responses from your sales pages, and you can focus more attention on the elements that pull the highest click through and buy ratios.

    Each element in each 30 day cycle has a strong subject line, promissory introduction, bullet-point value outline, and a compelling and gently persuasive call-to-action that sends leads to variations of your upsell offer, or that sends them to cross sell offers, or to cut down versions of your $397 upsell offer.

    You ought to have enough content from "Making The Yield", (even if you need to rewrite sections of it) and from other curated content to provide enough material for your overall 30 day message cycles.

    As the 90 day cycle closes out, the people still on the list move over to real time content form other sources for another 90 days before being added back into the mix from the beginning, at which time they receive other versions of the content they received in the preceding 90 days. You ought to be able to do all this through InfusionSoft.

    Again, from what I've learned about upsells, 20 percent or so will take you up on your next offer: step 3.

    To focus the attention of these people you need to speak to their inner most desires. You've already developed a decent relationship with someone if they're prepared to spend $397. Now, you need to speak more about their life as it will be a year, 18 months, and 3 years from now. You can do this through by painting images of their life as it will be once they're successful. Outline an the person's ideal day. Describe the person's ideal portfolio. Marketing isn't about life as it is, it's about life as it will be: your teeth CAN be whiter! Your car CAN be shiner … and so on.
    As a former Wall Street guy you're probably familiar with some of the imagery I'm alluding to here. The thing is to not overdo things, to keep your illustrations REAL, they need to be stretch goals but they need to be attainable IF PEOPLE STICK TO YOUR SYSTEM.

    You're not offering a product here. You're offering a lifestyle shift. You're offering an invitation only key to the door of the One Percent Club.

    This offer is NOT for everyone and your sales copy needs to state as much.

    So, step 3, product name: Securing Your Future. (upsell) OR Your Future Ensured. Or something along these lines.

    You're engineering people's success here.

    It's VITAL here that you offer the strongest supporting evidence in the guise positive, TRUTHFUL examples of real people, real customers, and real results that your systems have created.

    Text or talking head video testimonials here won't cut it. You need to show the real life life styles of the people who have ALREADY succeeded BECAUSE they used your system.

    I'm presuming your upsell will be in the $797 - $1,997 range. I'm just speculating here. I don't need to know. Whatever your fee, the potential outcome needs to be ten times the value of the asking price.

    Does this help?

    Then, there's step 4.

    Step 4 is one-on-one coaching and masterminding.

    This is for the 4th kind of buyer: the price-immune, premium-access, high-achiever buyer.

    This is access to a limited space, invitation-only mastermind that requires specific provable income evidence, and that vets all members prior to entry. This is for the top 2 percent of the top 1 percent. This group meets in person every three months or so at a luxury location and does so on business terms behind closed doors. No cell phones. No laptops. No disclosures.

    This is Vegas.

    It's limited to 10 people or so. There's no room for ego in this group. Everyone in it is making $500K+ a month (or probably much more … I have no idea what your threshold is but I'm sure there's interesting scope). This kind of coaching or mastermind is billed monthly, and it's billed high. There are groups like this out there charging thousands of dollars per month per person. This fee usually excludes meals, drinks, accommodation, and travel to meetings. Here's an example

    If you're already doing this: good for you. If you're not doing it, it's worth looking at.

    Just my humble two cents' worth. Good luck with your upsell.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    It's YOUR Fund
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Up-Packaging The Deal
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Funding The Deal
    Backing The Deal
    Pooling The Deal
    Staking The Deal
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Member
    Growing the pot

    Playing for keeps

    Building Big

    Winner takes all

    No stone unturned

    Master The Market
  • Posted by sb on Author

    Thanks for this. Very much appreciated. We are gathering testimonials now and will keep these thoughts in mind. However, once caveat that you missed is that most people aren't very *motivated* to use the products they bought. Most people lack ambition.

    As for the other answers, I'm reviewing those now.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    I know of people in the niches of personal coaching, in high end, luxury real estate sales, in golf swing training, in meditation, in social media training, in the gourmet pizza business who all use the strategy I've outlined above and they're all—ALL making monthly sales of six figures.

    I know of one person running a tiny, tiny blog who has NO products of his own (his sales are all affiliate sales) who uses the exact steps outlined above in the most obscure niche you could ever think of.

    His gross sales at the end of his first 18 months? $900,000. As an affiliate, half of that is his. He has the largest list in his niche. He has the largest number of affiliate sales in his niche. And his business runs on auto-pilot.

    I understand the whole lack of motivation thing. The point of the additional processes I outlined above is to gently persuade those people on the cusp of taking action to move up to the next level.

    Maybe, for them that next step isn't joining a coaching or mastermind group; maybe it's a subscription to a monthly newsletter of tips, cases studies, and strategic insights. Maybe it's a visit to a one day event. Maybe it's access to a series of premium videos. Whatever it is, the point here is to continue messaging to people who are warm leads so as to heat them up through your astonishingly likable personality: this way, you generate trust and likability.

    Those people who are more inclined to take you ip on your offer—the higher achievers—these people represent the top 4 percent (the 20 percent of the top 20 percent of all your clients, the people from whom you make most of your revenue).

    It's from this EXCLUSIVE group that you stand to generate the most revenue, and to whom you must offer the greatest value.

    The people who are less motivated? They're the average. There is little profit in selling to the average. Mediocrity is easy—it's easy to attain—that's why it's average.

    If you set up a mastermind or an exclusive coaching program for the top 20 percent of your buyers, even if this is a one day event, if the content is right and the audience is in tune with your message, you will make money—AND generate additional social buzz you can then use in fort her offers.

    If 75 people sign up (because I'm assuming you're good at what you do), and you charge these people $,2995 for a day's worth of intensive, behind the scenes information, you're gross for this one day is $224,625.If you video the whole event and package the content, you have another information product your top clients will love you for. And six months later, you could offer the same videos as a stand alone product, or as an upsell on another package.

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