
Topic: SEO/SEM

Adword Strategy To Attact Businesses Not Consumers

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are a firm that sells Good Health licensed content to corporations such as hospitals, health insurance companies, wellness retailers, etc. We have a lot of content and video that consist of healthy eating and cooking, as well as exercise and employee health. We even have it in spanish. It's all tested and approved by licensed dietitians.

So we can businesses to buy this syndicated content and don't want to waste clicks on consumers looking to eat healthy. So, I am curious how to configure key words what would weed out the common consumer and attract our buyers, which are businesses.

Thanks or your help!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    You need to start by determining what your target audience might be searching for and what keywords they are using. It's possible your product is not well suited for Adwords. Don't let the medium (i.e., search advertising) drive your marketing strategy. It's supposed to be the other way around!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    It's quite possible that your target audience isn't searching for what you're selling - at least not in the volume you might be hoping. Instead, I'd suggest some informational interviews to find out where people who might be interested in what you're offering look for this information. Are there well-established publishing houses? Is there a professional organization of such publishers or people who purchase such content?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Businesses are run and managed by people, they're not machines or entities. This means that at some point, your messages MUST appeal to people. Through Facebook you ought to be able to segment your messages so that they're only seen by people in the niches you're aiming at.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Man, you just got handed a lifetime of marketing knowledge! Seriously.

    You have to think about who decides to buy this info...people do.

    - office managers
    - newly certified physicians
    - hospital education departments and dieticians
    - medical facility directors
    - nurses and nurse managers

    Where do these people hang out?
    What do other medical service providers do in order to reach out? (Hint: It's not online)
    How can you grab there attention?

    My wife manages the marketing and sales for an imaging company here in Oklahoma. She turned one facility from a struggling $130k/mo business, into a powerhouse with over $1mil/mo sales. She stuck to a budget of $1000 per month, and didn't spend a dime on the internet.

    Her biggest expenses:

    1) Gas
    2) Food

    Stick to what works. The internet is great, but it isnt for everyone.

    I will say that Facebook Insights can provide a wealth of knowledge. Go check it out.

    Still insist on using online PPC/CPM advertising?

    Using Facebook Insights, Google search, Google Trends, and Google Adwords Keyword Tool - If you know what to search for, they can provide you with some fantastic places and keywords to target.

    1) Start with Google search (make sure you log out of Google first). Search for keywords that begin with the target group (see list above for ideas), and end in words like:


    Examples: Hospital Education Association, Independent physician organization texas, Nurse educators of Calfornia (just made these up)

    When you find an actual group, copy and paste into:

    2) Facebook Insights - It will show you pages you never knew existed...many with thousands of professional followers. Some have FB pages, others don't.

    3) Use Google Trends to get a glimpse of the popularity/activity of a particular group.

    4) Use Adwords and Facebook's Power Editor to fine tune and launch your campaigns.

    Other Thoughts:

    *Consider paying for ad spots on some of the websites, forums, and social networks you find.

    *Another revenue stream you may consider: health blogs. Many blog owners are willing to pay for quality syndicated content. Especially in the diet/nutrition niche. You may be surprised.

    Hope this helps! Good Luck!

    - Blaine Wilkerson

    P.S - I will leave you with this: Assuming your content was created to be useful for actual people and patients, would it be so bad to develop some brand recognition with these end users?
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    My apologies for the spelling/grammar errors such as using "there" instead of "their". Auto correct is not always correct!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    One more addendum:

    After finding a group on Google Search, copy and paste into Facebook's Power Editor as well. This will tell you if there is a FB page and the approximate reach.

    Dont ignore the other options/groups that pop up in the FB Editor search suggestion box. One technique is to start typing the group name instead of pasting it in. This will allow all kinds of options to appear in the search suggestion drop down box.

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