
Topic: Website Critique

Is This A Professional Re-design?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have recently redesigned our company website, and would like to know if anyone has any suggestions on what I could do to make it more professional and user friendly for our clients.

Thanks in advance for all your criticism!


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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Don,

    Great comments above that are right-on. I want to build on the fact that you are trying to squeeze everything/too much into your home page.

    There is way, way to much content. Trust me, it will never get read by most people landing there.

    This is a common mistake when producing copy on websites but the truth is, people skim, they don't read on the web, especially when they land via a search.

    You should consider editing out half your content, and then editing it out again. After doing so come back and repost and we can give you updated feedback.

    I guarantee it will look much cleaner and be easier to understand what your value proposition is if you do this.

    Seriously, it can and should be done because otherwise you are going to lose droves of people in the first 10 seconds, especially if they come to your website through search.

    Pick up a copy of Seth Godin's "The Big Red Fez", he does a great job of explaining with examples what does and doesn't work on a website.

    Your main call objective or call-to-action is to call or click for a free quote, right? Yet you have this buried at the bottom of the page. That should be front and center and should be the focus of what you are driving visitors to do.

    I hope that helps. You need tough skin to make it through a website critique here at the KHE!

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