
Topic: E-Marketing

Direct Mail Campaign For Web Traffic?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are considering using Postcards or Short Letters to drive traffic to our website. (

I want to avoid an e-mail campaign for several reasons at this time, but I understand how convenient it is to 'click' on a link in an e-mail.

Since our website domain is short and easy to remember
(that's for those of you not paying attention. LOL!) does this make our strategy more reasonable?

Have any of you tried this strategy, and what were the results?

Thanks in Advance!

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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I'm not very keen on this idea, unless you have a super-targeted list and some incentive for the recipient to go to your landing page. (And you *are* using a landing page, right? You're not just taking them to your home page, I hope.)

    When you add up the cost of doing even the most basic postal campaign, it's a very high cost per touch. I'd think you'd want to make a specific offer (huge discount for your first order placed on the Web, for example)rather than just, "Hi, we're new. Here's our URL. Visit us."

    There really has to be something in it for the recipient. What were you planning to offer?

  • Posted by michael on Member
    At an average of 2% response, each response is going to cost you 50 x $.23....less depending on bulk...but $10 per response?

    What about doing a mini disk mailer?

    NOTE: I represent this company.

    But this way kind of thing can be mass ordered and used throughout the year...including cold calling by your sales people. '

  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi asiavoss,

    I recommend re-reading Paul's advice (Inbox_ Interactive) and do what he discusses.

    Either online or offline, don't ever send people to your home page or any page within your website that is not specifically (i.e. specific landing page) designed to address the call-to-action that you asked for.

    I would combine this with Kathleen's advice, especially the part about "is it the most cost-effective"? (answer- probably not, which is what she is saying).

    You need to develop an integrated marketing approach. You are in a highly competitive industry. If you have found your niche and have a value proposition that is very compelling, you need to develop a marketing plan that uses not one, but a synergistic approach of online and offline marketing tools.

    Will this be expensive? Well, great marketing is never cheap, but it does provide for a positive marketing ROI when strategized and implemented correctly and this is really what your goals and objectives should be centered on, not just a one tool will bring you qualfied prospects approach.

    BTW, really is not that easy to remember. Acronyms rarely are with websites, so you might want to think about not overusing it. Should you implement PPC, I would not use it as a display URL as it surely won't do anything for your branding or help to increase your CTR.

    I hope that helps. Contact me offline should you care to discuss further.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Hello your site is fabulous, your products are very clean, professional and are defitely a nice to have BUT you need to consider the cost - tell me the old old story! In my experience where our local journals journals are full of product offerings, very few people in my office (over 50 people) actually get to see the inserts or even look them up mainly because the fall out and land in the rubbish bin. I would consider directly targeting the purchasing people with a postcard or preferrably an interview. If you can get them on your side you have an effective campaign. What about targeting the Librarians - I use a heck of a lot of stationery - and consider sponsoring American Library Association's stationery - thats what our suppliers do here. I have repeatedly bought products from those suppliers. Good luck, regards South African Bookworm

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