
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For A Jewellery Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am looking for a name for our new jewellery business. My friend and I are both French-speaking so we thought it would be nice to have something in French.

We design our own jewellery and use only the highest quality stones, gems and jewellery findings.

We would like a name that evokes understated elegance and that evokes the same feelings as Gucci for instance...

We are planning to market our jewellery as a home based business and would like a name that reflects the excellence, beauty and high craftsmanship that we put into each of our unique creations.

Retail costs of our items will be from approx. $50 to $200.00
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    Welcome to MarketingProfs Know--How Exchange.

    You've focused in your business description on what you're planning to sell. But the question -- a name for the business -- should suggest a benefit to your target audience. You didn't tell us who is in your target audience.

    Let's start at the beginning and understand who is in your primary target audience (i.e., the so-called "low hanging fruit"). Who are they? How often to they buy jewellery? Where do they live? How old are they? Do they buy jewellery for themselves or for others (as gifts)? Male or female? How do they decide what to buy and where to buy it? Do they buy online or at retail stores? Is it mostly an impulse purchase or do they plan the purchase? Etc. Etc.

    Once you understand the primary target audience really well -- maybe even with some low-cost market research -- then you can figure out why they might consider buying from you. What makes you different from and better than all the other jewellery vendors in your area? What important unmet need do you satisfy? Why would someone believe you can deliver on your promise?

    It sounds like you need to go back and deal with your positioning and business objectives/plans before you jump into naming. We'll be glad to help you, but you have to give us some direction. How will you know a great name when it shows up? What are the criteria for judging what we come up with? And -- most importantly -- who is the target audience?

    You might want to check out the MarketingProfs small business seminar on Positioning, Naming and Taglines. There's also a how-to guide that goes with the seminar, and it will address your question and the ones that should precede it.

    Good luck.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Michael is right - you're putting the cart before the horse.

    While you're creating your marketing strategy, review the answers to others looking for names for their jewelry business on Marketing Profs:
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Hi helen

    what is your USP? there are thousand odd home-based jewelry shops in France and yours is just another addition to the crowd. who are your target customers? what is their profile, likes and dislikes? knowing this would help you in naming better.

    anyway, how about these names..

    "Jouel" (old french of Jewel)
    "Avec La Grace"
    "Alongkar" (bengali for Jewellery)

    please check the previous similar questions asked in this forum.

    hope this helps

  • Posted on Member
    Creating a name like Gucci came with much time and effort...BRANDING.

    Your price points don't seem to be in line with Gucci-type price points...for $50-$200 jewelry, you are at the lower end of the market aren't you? Purchasiing Gucci = presumbaly purchasing HIGH quality.

    So, in thinking in those terms, I agree with a couple of the above posts...who REALLY is your TARGET market...have you defined this yet?

    If you're looking for a lower-level consumer, you might chase them away with a name that sounds unaffordable.
    Might need to find a name that speaks directly to that market.

    Bottom line is you're hoping to increase your bottom line and sell...and to sell you have to relate to the market first and foremost...and get the market's attention

  • Posted on Accepted
    Beau Monde
    (World of High Society/Fashion)

    A la Carte

    Paris Collection


    Genevieve Collection

    Napoleon and Josephine

    Chateaux Collection

  • Posted on Accepted
    One though would be using an english to french dictionary to come up with a name. Decide on some words in english, like the word elegant and use an online language dictionary to see what you come up with.
    I personally think it would be good if your name ties into a story in some way. A combination of your names or something that is important to you. People want to be able to relate to those that they do business with, so your name should be part of your story. If you come up with something relevant to you personally or your jewelry then you marketing materials and everything else will easily flow from that. I sell some artisan jewelry in my boutique and I'm constantly telling potential customers about the history of the companies and how they were named.
    Many people believe that certain stones possess powers or are good luck, you could try googling some of the stones that you use the most and maybe incorporate something like that into your name. For instance Amber is said to have a unique charm and air of mystery, You could look up whatever stone you use the most, get the meaning and then look it up in french. I think that even in the $50 to $200 range people want something that has a story, especially if they are shopping in finer resorts(that is my clientele)

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