
Topic: Strategy


Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
How to sell to Associations?

Thank you to all that responded back to me.

I have to apologize for my brief question as I was not fully aware of how Marketing Profs works.

To add detail to my question: How to sell to Associations...In an effort to increase sales efforts on new vertical channels, I was looking for a strategy to seize new revenue in one of many vertical markets, Associations being one of them.

My thought process was to get involved or become a member into an Association Database providing me access to the Associations Executives Contact, Meeting, Budget and member list.

I am in the travel industry and I want to become the preferred choice within the Associations community.

In moving forward, there are thousands of Associations in any given large city. In the matter of 'How to sell to an Association"
- you could cold call each one of them after you have done your homework in researching them trying to understand their issues and motivations.. (thank you Frank)
Or, is there a broader approach of getting in, then work your way down?
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Donna,

    You must align your offering, your service, with the most deeply felt compulsions of the people in your target audience.

    What is it that drives them? What do they look for when they need travel services? What might you be able to offer that other travel services have overlooked, or under serve?

    If you're offering travel, isn't what you're really offering peace of mind that all the arrangements will be smooth sailing? If it is, and if that's what associations are looking for, offer it to them.

    The key here is to figure out what's needed or wanted and to then position that solution in a compelling and persuasive way so that you become the LOGICAL choice in the minds of the groups you'll be serving.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    The associations tend to be leary of people who join simply to gain access to their membership list. And, most associations are semi-expensive to join. The associations I work with used to sell their membership list, but the cost was quite high.

    Now that I know that you are in the travel industry, I do have a couple of ideas that I would share off line.

    Contact me via my profile and I will pass them along.
  • Posted by michael on Member

    If you're a large travel provider you would do well by providing a discount to all members. Keep in mind that every association is hurting for membership renewals. They need to add value.

    What associations often sell is networking. Great theory, but not every member can take advantage of those opportunities. However, if you offer a product that members can use in their regular business, then you'll have some success getting in. I'm pretty sure you do.


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