
Topic: Advertising/PR

New Hr Consultant - Where To Start?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My wife is an attorney who happens to be more passionate about Human Resources than law. Unfortunately, it makes it tough for her to get a "day job," since most employers see her resume, then law school, then toss it because her salary will be out of range. She also likes to actually work, not do the normal office employee routines which involve probably two or three hours of ACTUAL work per day.

I suggested that she market herself as an HR Consultant and provide outsourced HR functions to small/medium sized businesses in our area (Upstate South Carolina). She agreed that it was probably a better solution and tasked me with the marketing of said services. I've done some "marketing" in the past, but it was mostly selling freight services.

So, my question is: What is the best way for me to raise awareness of the services she offers? Should I create a targeted mailing to companies with 10-100 employees in our region? Knock on doors? Join the chamber?

Please help!!
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  • Posted on Member
    She has training in both HR and law?

    Where in HR do her interest lie exactly? What does she see herself offering as a consultant? Any specific areas of HR?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    I'd start by talking to prospective clients and do informational interview with them about their HR needs. What you need to know is: Is there are a market for this in your area? Who would be likely to need the services? Who's your competition? Why would your wife be better than the competition?

    If you don't know the right businesses, go to chamber mixers and start meeting people.
  • Posted on Author
    Well, she's worked in HR at various levels for several large companies in the past, and would offer the same level of service to smaller companies which would not normally have access to full time HR departments.

    Terms are based on number of employees and contracts would be annual.

    Services offered include:
    Policies and procedures, employee handbooks, ensuring compliance with state and federal regulations, recruiting, hiring, terminations, background checks, pre-employment screenings, etc.
  • Posted on Author
    Also, I've already designed and built her website at, if that helps. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    HR as marketed in your website is sort of how people hire lawyers or go to doctors-- only after they get in trouble or feel the pain. I'd slant the website more proactive, with a call to action and urgency. How about comparing the dr theme to preventive medicine, or the annual check up.

    Get the book "Get Clients Now" -- a program I am certified to present. In it will be a variety of marketing weapons -- and build your 30 day personal marketing plan. It, like the program- is the latte factor of sales. Marketing every day in small steps will get her going.

    A direct mail piece is passive and will give you no or little return for the dollars. Join the chamber (or other trade orgs) as you suggested-- and get involved. Being proactive would be an excellent topic for a non commercial talk at chambers, rotaries etc-- establish her as an expert and get her contracts.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted on Author
    Great ideas! I like the preventative aspect, which is what we were hoping to offer with the audits.

    FYI, the "doctor" part is for her Juris Doctorate. Any ideas on tying that into the brand a little better than I could?
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member
    Hi Cdmwebs,

    Hope you're having a great day but more importantly a wonderful life. You and your wife deserve to know all that the beauty of life has for you.

    Even though your question is suggesting challenges in the area of your wife making a transition from Lawyer to HR...her making the transition is more of a mental leap than anything. If she believes she can she will...

    The automotive Tycoon Henry Ford said "Whether you believe you can, or whether you believe you can't, you're absolutely right."

    So the question is what is your belief system? And how are you feeding the "Right Brothers"...

    Right Thought
    Right Action
    Right Re-Action

    If I can go from the ghettos of Chicago, in a mice infested apartment, through welfare lines with a mother that was mentally ill and a father that was 5,000 miles away and I could survive that life style for two years with no college education being evicted several times and high school test scores that made disqualified me and made me inelgible for the college I finally got into---attended and graduated as the first person in the history of my ancestors on both sides of my family...then I'm sure your wife can do it!

    Now if I can get entrenched in 6 years of work as an accountant causing almost everyone that I met in my Sales interviews to disbelieve that it was even slightly possible for me to become a good salesman after being an accountant for so long...and I can take that situation and go on to become an Award-Winning sales consultant as an employee of an AMERITECH/SBC corporation then I know your wife can do it!

    Now if I can go from doing that...the little black kid who once lived in one of Chicago's poorest housing projects and I can go on to become a Nightingale Conant Award-Winning speaker then I'm here to tell you that anything is possible....A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G is possible if you can wrap your mind around it and belive it. If you can meditate on what you want to happen and like Rudyard Kipling said "Doubt all of your doubtings too" then there is absolutely no reason why your wife can not do it.

    My Godfather Brian Tracy would immediately tell you to tell your wife to go and sign up for the Chamber of Commerce. Find a way to join some committees that the chamber believes are the most important branches to be involved in. Have her volunteer her time to eventually steering one of those groups and then serve her way to success.


    Cdmwebs you said:....."Unfortunately, it makes it tough for her to get a "day job," since most employers see her resume, then law school, then toss it because her salary will be out of range".

    HOW DO you know this is happening?... are employeers your wife is interviewing with telling you the above?...I doubt if they are. Often we get into a place of assuming and assumptions usher in doubts. Our doubts are liars too.

    all your wife has to do is call them up and ask them "What do I need to do to secure a job like this with your company?" Now they all might not tell you but if your wife is impressive enough somebodies going to try and hire her ESPECIALLY IF SHE HAS THE PASSION YOU ARE DESCRIBING ABOVE.


    If you wife uses a Mary Kay approach...Let them try the merchandise before they buy it she may have even greater results. Tell her to go in and challenge the person she's interviewing with to take her for a two week trial...that will open some doors. If they try her out and see that she is working this hard for free they may quickly recognize how valuable she will be if they hire her.

    Beef up her letters of recommendation from well known people in your community where she's trying to land work or obtain letters of recommendations from previous employees.

    Often times people fail to provide enough Social Proof to gain the confidence of those we are trying to impress. And first impressions are lasting. Like when you review my bio you may not know who I am but you have heard of some of the people I associate with. If you have not heard of any of them you can search them out on the internet and find that my collective networking base is quite impressive and this is Social Proof.

    Most people are clueless that we are daily, costantly, minute by minute and second by second pulling towards us the life experiences we desire.

    THE LAW of SOWING & REAPING is proof that whatever we plant we harvest. If you have doubts of your future then doubts will arise in your present circumstances. No farmer has ever failed to apprehend the fruit of her labor. Why?Because they are practicing natural laws that exist in the earth to help all of us live better lives. My friend Dave Lakhani has written a book called "Persuasion: the art of getting what you want" I'd pick it up and read it. If your wife is feeling limited it's probably because she needs to do a better job of persuading.

    The moment you get clear and conscience of what you are saying and doing then you will see faster results. Things will begin to move toward you quickly. I can't tell you how many people I have helped over the internet, in live presentations, over the telephone, through forums like this and even total strangers who realize that if a guy like me can go wherever he chooses in life based on his belief in his very own ability that they too can begin to correct incorrect thinking, false beliefs and unproductive behaviors. Years ago I never even knew that I could become an author and now my ideas are published on the internet, in other peoples books like the 2000 percent solution by another good friend of mine Donald Mitchell the # 3 ranked reviewer on AMAZON . I talk to Don whenever I desire why? Because he trust our friendship and he knows my desire is to serve him in everything I do.

    If you would have asked me 10 years ago do I believe all these amazing things that are happening to me today would be happening I would have said no. Why because my EXPECTATIONS and BELIEFS were not confident enough to even believe that these types of things could happen for a kid who lived in some of the horrible conditions I've lived in. But now I tell people like you with confidence Tell your wife to get up and go after what she really desires and build herself a support system of friends like me who can encourager her on to much greater and higher things then just working in HR...Tell your wife to GO FOR IT! REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need further guidance, direction or you'd just like to talk more about it. You see I love it when my customers are happy. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant,

    Lovingly Deremiah *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted on Accepted
    You know, just last week I went to a class given by lawyers whose specialty is legal law as it relates to HR. Someone like your wife would be shoe in for that sort of job and that sort of job would give her lots of experience with HR folks. (just a thought)

    My advice, is that she market herself as a HR consultant whose clients are law firms. That's where she has credibility. However the name of your website might not go over with that niche.

    If she created her niche up front, and used an area where she has credibility, it would make marketing easier.

    As for marketing, what I ask my clients is this "where can you be seen by the most amount of "your future client" in the least amount of time".

    If she did that, she might come up with attending lawyer and attorney events; then cpa/accounting events. Speaking at such events, writing articles to their trade papers, etc.

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks everyone!

    @Deremiah - although not exactly what we had in mind, thank you for your insights. You've accomplished quite a bit!

    I think we'll focus on matching up with other startups in the area. Sounds like the best route to early clients.


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