
Topic: Just for Fun

Cranberry Sauce...( ( (what's Yours?) ) )

Posted by Deremiah *CPE on 296 Points
Growing up in Oklahoma I had an interesting nick-name that was just beginning to sink deep into the hearts of the American culture...It was the name of something that a lot of people loved to eat and in my state of consciousness a name to die for. One day while playing a basketball game kids gave me the ultimate nick-name and it was smooth like butter...they called me "Butterball" and from then on it stuck.

In this generation of Taglines, lick & stick name tags, we are Naming to brand and building brand names that express our organizations status, purpose or product line so I've got an interesting but peculiar question.

Q1) What is the craziest nick-name you've ever heard?

Q2) What's the childhood nick name you may have been called?

Let's GO FOr It...something light or is it (lite) and something simple.

Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi Deremiah,

    Q1) the craziest nickname i have ever heard was:


    it was because the guy didn’t wear deodorant and smelled really bad. once the teacher told him to go home and put on some deodorant in front of the class.

    Q2) My nickname was:


    I picked it up because one of my fellow students was setting toilet paper rolls on fire and throwing them from the second story building. One of them landed on my bag and set it alight while i was wearing it.

    Carl Crawford (FireBall)
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Deremiah,

    A couple stand out from my youth:

    One kid in high school was nicknamed "Sewer Rat" because of his disheveled appearance. I don't think anybody every knew his first name, he wasn't popular and was a real stoner and was commonly referred to and accepted the "Sewer Rat" label.

    Another was "Crabs". He got his name because of....well let's just say because of a socially communicable "thing" he picked up from one of the local not-so-pure girls.

    Then there was "Puddles" and "Squirrel". I can't mention their origins here.

    With a last name like Pepper I've had many nicknames, some unprintable, but none that stuck throughout my life. "Doc/Doctor" was popular, and "Sarge/Sergeant".

    I hope that helps!

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Well Fireball & Sargent,

    you all have helped to give the importance of why name brands work and nicknames stick. Thanks for breaking it down and not just speeding through the question.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author

    I just think you have the most interesting KHE customer profile name...night_butterflz...just makes me want to fly like butter...

    hey we got the butter,
    yo I didn't stutter.
    Night butterflz,
    Fireball wise,
    With Sarge or Doc,
    oh it's time to Rock.
    Here we go again
    me all my friends...

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    If I reveal my childhood nickname, ya'll might stop taking me seriously here! ;]


    Not necessarily because I was sweet or chewy, just because it rhymed with Shelley. (And don't confuse me with Deremiah's gumdrop buttons!)

    On a more recent note... at BirdNest we chose some "codename" identities for ourselves. What else could the CEO be except Big Bird??
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author

    what a great nick-name and I just knew you had something in common with my little gum-drop buttons...but Shelley you remember that episode I had with them. Jill thanks for winning the bold award. You have shared more nicknames by one person than anyone who has posted...but spud. When I was real, real young before the Butterball nickname they called me "little bit" and "sweet thang" but don't tell anybody I told you that Jill. D4Demand...pick the stick that's the most unique given today. Some of the boys I mentor often call me "look at those guns" for the big biceps I garner...they often say how can he be short and're an oxymoron. Well tell a friend to join in. You all are the greatest but Shelley is pretty smart.

    Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Jim & Colleen,

    I love the sound of nick-names...they are an expression of what people call us when we are in our most vulnerable positions around those who know us well.

    One of my adult nick-names like Pepper blue was the Doctor. It's really quite interesting that Shelley off handedly called me that one day but I got pinned with that name back in 2000.

    There was a young lady in our office where I was a security consultant. She was limping quite frequently after she had surgery. I noticed that the limping seemed to be getting worst over a few months. As friends do I asked her how it was going and she explained that her surgery started off well but now she was having problems.

    Being a four sport athlete and someone who has studied the human anatomy through countless hours of figure drawing in school I asked her to take a seat and let me look at her range of motion in her leg. I noticed that she could not extend her leg straight out completely. She said there was much pain and she was going through weekly rehab on it and her doctor said it would get better but it was not. Since the knee is a hinge joint I explained there must be something there blocking this range of motion. Intuitively (because there are still some parts of Eve in this Adam called Deremiah) I explained...

    Since she was African American (and quite a few African American's have abnormal tissue growth called keloid) I drew the conclusion that she had abnormall tissue growth in between the knee joint. Since her doctor had already been working with her injury over a couple of years I recommended that she go to a sports medicine doctor for one of the professional teams in Chicago and share with them what I shared with her. I told her that the sports doctor would have much more experience with injurys like the one that caused hers.

    She did what I said and ran into a problem with her HMO... finally a secretary who heard about her problem gave her an opportunity to visit a doctor outside of her HMO and the secretary said that she did not know why she was doing this but she was.

    She went to a sports doctor who was amazed at my analysis but felt that he would put a scope in the knee and find out. Sure enough the young lady came back to me with photographs from that procedure and it was exactly as I suspected. Tentacle like tissue that had grown abnormally was preventing her knee from closing. When her knee was straight the tissue was pinched between the knee creating great pain.

    The sports Doctor was allowed to do the surgery and she was given permission to have two visits with him after that. They gave her medication to slow down excessive tissue growth. Rehab was implemented again and I became known as "The Doctor".

    Tell me how you got your nickname if you dare?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Km2000, (thanks for daring to go there)

    What a dose of nick names you've been given and I'm sure they all made sense to everyone who called you.

    However I must say that Kate is a very pretty name but that's just my opinion which these days is worth a cool million or two in inspirational dollars. Maybe one day soon I'll dare ask the question of all questions and I would love to hear your take on it. In the mean time shoot me an email and tell me how your turn of the century farm house restoration is coming along. Hey K, Kate, BIG K or Lil K, is there anything I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evanglelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author

    hey we got the butter,
    yo I didn't stutter.
    Night butterflz,
    Fireball wise,
    With Sarge or Doc,
    oh it's time to Rock.
    Here we go again
    me & all my friends...

    Jelleybean's hot,
    Hoover's got a lot
    Pick the Stick again
    Jimbo's got'ta win,
    Buzz got snazz,
    Abu got game,
    Tattertot's funny
    & D's got the money.

    Here we go again
    me & all my friends...
    you can join right in,
    cuz everybody wins
    KHE got fame,
    & the nickname game.

    THANKS to all my KHE friends
  • Posted on Accepted
    The best nickname I've ever heard was "The H Man". This guy I dated in college used to play baseball for our college team. Well, there was a big game and everyone was listening to the radio when the announcer informed us of the players who couldn't participate in the game because of their various injuries. A broken leg here, a strained muscle there. Until the announcer got to my ex . . . who would sit out the game because of "a bad case of the hemorrhoids".

    So, the nicknames started, and not just from his teammates, since the most of the students heard the whole thing. They called him Preperation, Preperation H, or just simply "The H Man".

    Needless to say, he never lived it down.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author

    that's what you call an interesting story for a nickname. Having loved to play baseball I only have one question...did he sit on the bench that game or the porta-pottie next to the baseball field?

    So what nickname did they call you Ricky?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Deremiah,
    I had a million nicknames and I've banished most of them from my memory because they were just tooooo evil. I was the tallest child in my class and I was the Italian. You know how kids are. The one that stuck the most was Fruitloops in Elementary school and Rico Suave in highschool and college (remember that horrible song?!).

    Hope you're having a great Thanksgiving :)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Ricky & Michelle,

    I hope you and all of our KHE friends are having a great time this Giving Thanks day. Thanks for giving your nick names. I know how embarrassing giving people your childhood nick names feels. So It's great hearing people pop their friends or ex-boyfriends or girlfriends names off first. You kinda sorta get the drift of who might really rather avoid commenting about it all together but reading the other post makes you laugh and think it's okay to be laughed at.

    I've had dozens too. I think one of my most revered nick-names was "Sweetness" and it came from Chicago Bears "Papa Bear" Hallas grandson Brian McCaskey. When Brian use to rap my ankles before a game he would remind me that I reminded him of Walter. What's even great is that he commissioned me to do a drawing of Walter. So as you can see some nick names we hate and others we will never be able to live up to in a life time...If I could have only really ran the football like, my, my...where would I be today...(a dream) please don't wake me up.

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE
    but this is the nick name I love the most...(Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi deremiah

    In my culture everyperson is given a nickname by the family/parents when they fix the full name of the child after birth.

    myself being no exception, my nickname is TANMOY. its a Bengali word (my mother tongue is Bengali) which means "Engrossed into Something".

    Till today my family memebers and most of my friends call me by that name rather than my first name Mushfique, which is mostly used in office and official matters.

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author

    Now you have brought us down a new road into an interesting place with nick names. A nickname that is given after birth is most definitely unique. Thanks for sharing your nickname with us and for giving us the meaning of your nickname too.

    In America it appears that our nick names draw more concern for "what does that mean" than our first names. But some of us have found that our first name has a very important and valuable meaning. This can really add to your lifes purpose when a name influences your behavior. Thanks again.

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author

    Great post and quite an interesting short lived nick name you had. Thanks for sharing.

    Jose04> what can I do for you?

    Well Jose you're the first person to ask me that question therefore you deserve a GREAT reward (it takes a wise person to see that what people communicate with passion or love toward others is also an inner relfection of what motivates them).

    Thanks Jose04 and I thought you would never ask...So here's what you can do for me:

    Tell others of my Passion to "Make People Happy"

    Email me your address so I can send you a GREAT reward...a Free Gift ( I love giving people good's so wonderful because you feel good and I feel good & giving away "Good Feelings" is a good feeling)

    Refer me to your friends in India (give them my email address and tell them to communicate with me. I want to be their pen pals...I'll tell them first hand about my country, my projects and my life and they can do the same)

    Come and visit me if you are ever in America

    Invite me to come to your country and speak

    Send me the entire 916 word post

    Forward me a great book on business from your country

    Tell your family I said hello and that they are so special to have a great person like you in their lives.

    Well that's enough for now...My grandmother (God rest her soul) used to say...

    "Never make them happy twice" and as a little boy I used to say grandmother what does that mean? and she would reply..."Never make them happy to see you come and happy to see you go". In other words never extend your visit beyond what makes people happy to see you leave. Thanks Jose 04 Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author

    what a funny story but I'm sure quite challenging for the party organizer. It's definitely a story that shows that you can make even an ugly situation work beautifully for you. Your nick names are also quite cute. Thanks for participating and Shalome. Turqiz is there anything I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)


    I've never told this one but since we are talking about names I'll sidebar a little about how I acquired my name Deremiah. my fathers name is Jeremiah and his middle name is Mills and the story goes that my mother who was also endowed with a great deal of creative ability decided to name me in part after the great movie producer "Cecil B. Demills" so she gave me the middle name "DeMills" after the wonderful movie producer and decided to change the "J" in my fathers first name (which is a Jewish name meaning "The Lord does exalt") to the letter "D" in order to make my name flow together. So she named me "Deremiah DeMills". "Deremiah" means "The Lord does succeed". So that's how I got my first and middle name. I often tell people in the Torah it says that "God told the prophet Jeremiah that he was going to do a new thing"...and I tell people "I'm the new thing". Well now you know how I got my name and what it means. Thanks everyone for also doing a new thing with me..."Sharing your nick names". You all are the greatest. I just don't know what I would do without my wonderful friends...Hey where's Jett and Jbtron I just know they've got a nick name story or two.

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    I heard a story about a less-than-educated person who named her daughter after something she saw in the newspaper, just because she liked the sound of it.

    Formica Dinette.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Hey Shelley, how exciting...

    Now that just out did the one I was about to tell where a mother named her son after some mustard. What makes it even more interesting was that she was not even aware of the fact that there was a mustard called "Dijon". She should have invited me to name the other two kids she had...I would have named the one "Baloney" and the other "Cheese".


    Thanks for taking a break from your mad 100 hour a week job. What are you going for a marathon these days. Also thanks for letting us know your nick name too. I think they just should have called you something more romantic like "Coffee & Cream".

    Is there anything else I can do for you "Sugar"?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted on Accepted
    Deremiah and Shelley,
    I hate to out-do both of you, but what about this real name (true story, I'm not making this up):
    My friend used to teach a child who's name was pronounced "shatheed" and spelled . . . Shithead.

    Makes me feel sooo much better about my name and nicknames!

    Take care Deremiah. Thanks for the fun question and your amazing participation in this forum!
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author

    I think you deserve the craziest nick name of the century award. Your story is almost too unbelieveable to be true. It's really quite interesting to see how even a fairly mediocre nick name looks great compared to that last one. As you can see people can make up a many of good excuses to give a bad nick name. Is there anything else I can dod for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    PS this is your second post Ricky you are tied with Shelley.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Ricky, I've heard an urban legend about that name, but it was pronounced sha-TAY-ud. Must be a different kid. ;]

    Then there was the one named or-AHN-zhell-oh... derived from Orange Jello.

    Kevlar, have you forgotten about King Winters? Deremiah knighted you way-back-when with his own nickname. (I think my D-given name must be She's Pretty Smart.)

    - Shelley ;]
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author

    Girl you deserve an award and I think you should get it...the "Willingness to post the longest list of Nick names" Award.

    I'm just wondering how many more nick names you kept hidden in your purse. Come on Cetty cough them up...I know you just have to have a couple more somewhere. Thanks for getting involved and not being afraid to share but come on Bumpy: does it need explanation? Sure it does...

    All the nick names sometimes joggs the mind and now I remember a nick name that I use to wear on the back of my baseball warm up jersey...imprinted on a white shirt with sky blue sleeves I had imprinted by a printer in Bold Black the words...

    "THE KID",

    so there's another one. You can't mess with "THE KID" was often the phrase my baseball friends used. As Stevey Wonder was once quoted in a song "I wish those days would come back once more why did those days ever have to go...I love them so"

    Thanks KHE I LOve you all. Is there anything else I can do for you.

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist"
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Barry, (Great job)...but what's yours???????

    Welcome aboard KHE. You get the "First Post" award because I noticed that this is the first question that you answered and I think that's did not tell us your nick name. Now your friends nick names are truly "peachy"----but what was yours???----and don't give me nothing nice either or else I'll have to try and contact your old friends to get the real deal...(lol)...and after they see that you gave them all up for some of nuthin' you'll be in hot water and they'll give up all of your nick names...Is there anything I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Because of my last name I was given nicknames that would be not just racist, but legally actionable in most countries.

    It's OK though, I got over it... with therapy...

    A few years ago I was checking into a New York hotel, late at night.

    "Name?", said the sombre, large african-american desk clerk.

    "Blackman." I replied. His eyes widened. I put my card down on the counter. He picked it up, and laughed his head off. "I thought you were playing tricks on me man!" he said. "But you're almost as much a blackman as me!"

    I scored an upgrade! He was a cool brother.

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Jose 04, sure send me the response on my email. Thanks.

    Simy, You might have been the littlest thing but you were not the rattiest.

    Michelletrex, you might have had a friend named man bat but where did your nickname fit into that batman timeline? Come on Michelletrex I could imagine a few for you but nothings better than the people with the nickname coughing it up. Well, come on Michelletrex.

    Chris B, I kinda..a...figured you probably get a lot of those kinda word plays. Thanks for sharing your input on the nick name game. I think it will be time for me to do the nick name rapp. Thanks Chris you deserve the "BoldMan" award. Is there anything I can do for the four of you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Author
    Even good questions come to an end. It's been an exciting time with all my KHE friends. Keep on pushing.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE

    Customer Passion is still in Fashion

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