
Topic: Branding

Need Suggestion On Ad Copy Content

Posted by sgupta on 250 Points
Hello everyone,

I'm working on my new landing page & I need to come up with the sale pitch content. I've tried few alternative but nothing worked out. It would be great if you could give your suggestions.

Content -

Introducing network monitoring services at lowers costs & higher quality.

Please help!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Need answers to several questions if we are going to be truly helpful with copywriting:

    1. Who exactly is the primary target audience? Where?

    2. Why/how higher quality? What is the metric for "[higher] quality?"

    3. How is it possible to have higher quality at lower cost? Not logical. (Usually higher quality costs more.)

    4. Who is your primary competition? What is their unique selling proposition? How are you different?

    5. What is your main objective? What do you want from a great landing page? How will you know it's working?
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Your landing page should focus on what it is in it for the potential customer.

    Your line of "Introducing network monitoring services at lowers costs & higher quality" sounds like a tag line. You need to provide more data on the landing page than this. What does higher quality look like to a customer (keeping in mind what is in it for them, not what features you are offering)?

    And offering free trials or the like is a way to get over concerns prospective clients may have about paying for a service prior to knowing it is any good. I did a quick Google search on "Network Monitoring" and 3 of the 4 advertisements came up all offered free trials of their product.

    I assume there are a lot of people offering these same services. Makes it so that people wont necessarily believe what you are offering. One way to get around this is to provide case studies of clients who have used your service and benefited, testimonials, or lists of current and past clients who have used your service (assuming they are names people would recognize).
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Stop selling.

    If the landing page in question is all about sales it will fail.

    Forget about pitching anything.

    Lead with value and focus on one thing: your conversion action.

    One message.


    One video.


    One action.

    Per page.

    No escape routes.

    No distractions.

    No other links.


    Focus attention on one message—a message designed to trigger a response: generate an opt in; get someone to watch the next video; have someone call a certain phone number ... whatever.

    What do you want the person who lands on your page to do?

  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    Consider the emotional content not just the feature. You're offering security, safety, business continuity. Write some lines and then test them via Google ads to see what gets the biggest response. For example:

    Is your network down? The cost of a network failure is $XXX a minute. Can you afford not to be monitoring 24/7?
  • Posted by sgupta on Author
    Please take this as a reference & give your suggestions -
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    1. The benefit, if there is one, gets lost on your landing page. The only thing I see at first glance is the cost ... and a CLAIM of some unspecified "high quality network monitoring services." (No benefit focus.)

    2. No pictures of humans appreciating the great personalized service. And everything is muted/fuzzy and monochromatic. (Hard for folks to identify with any of that.)

    3. No testimonials or customer comments. It's all about the manufacturer/service company tooting its own horn. Looks like the copy was written by an amateur.

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    First, your company name seems to be shortened to EN based on the logo. But then you talk about EMS in the testimonial. This is a bit confusing. Plus, the title and company of the person of the testimonial isn't filled in.

    Pretty much everything listed on the site is a feature, but prospective clients want to know benefits. For example, you say "Get unrivalled performance as networks, hardware and software are continuously updated, monitored, maintained and enhanced. Now you can focus on your business. You're covered and protected!" A benefit would be how much time or money they can save by not dong the updates themselves. Talking about how a company reduced their IT headcount by 2 people by not having to handle this function themselves would be an example of savings.

    ps - my spell checker says you have unrivaled spelled incorrectly, but this may be something where different versions of English spell things differently, so may not actually be wrong.

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