
Topic: Copywriting

Anyone Heard Of Dan Kennedy Or Bill Glazer???

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I was doing a google search on marketing systems and came across a website by someone named "Dan Kennedy".

Has anyone heard of this guy before?

He sells an awful LOT of different products. Anything ranging from copywriting books & courses, internet marketing, branding, etc. The products seem quite expensive to me. Any of you folks ever buy any of his "stuff"? Admittedly, some of it looks really enticing, however, is this guy just another "fly-by-nighter"??

Consider purchasing a few items, but, the price has me concerned number (1), and number (2) I don't wanna get duped or put on a spam list or something.

Any feedback ya'll???
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  • Posted by Ann H. on Moderator
    I don't know Dan Kennedy or Bill Glazer. But it seems to me that an annual MarketingProfs membership costs a fraction of the price(s) they charge, and I can assure you of the quality!

    I'm admittedly biased, but it's true.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I have heard of Dan Kennedy, but I've never bought any of his products. I *have* bought a few similar products from other similar experts. Here's my take, and keep in mind this is not necessarily specific to Dan Kennedy because, as I said, I have neve bought one of his products.

    First of all, OF COURSE it all sounds enticing. I mean, we're talking about copywriting and marketing books and courses, so it goes to reason that the copywriting and marketing behind them will make your mouth water.

    No surprise there!

    Second, with most of these publishers, it's all about the upsell. You buy something for $29, then you're given the hard sell for a course that costs $1,997. Then, when you've bought that, there's a week-long conference for $4,997. It never ends.

    Now, does that mean you won't learn something? No, it doesn't mean that. You probably WILL learn a great deal. After all, these guys are the masters of their game.

    But could you get this information somewhere else for a whole lot less? Almost invariably, the answer is yes. Most of it could be had for free if you put the time into it. And much of it has been published in books that you can buy for $30 and not end up as part of a larger marketing machine.

    I will say this...there is one aspect of these books and courses that they are very good at: motivation! They can really motivate you to go out and try and do things you might not otherwise try or do. And that, in all fairness, could be worth a lot of money to you.

    Having said all of that, I will second Ann's statement that a membership here at MP could be very helpful to you. You will be surrounded by marketing professionals, many of whom are willing to help for little more than a thank-you!
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the insight people!

    Inbox, I think you are definitely on to something there :)

    While the products he offers look legit, I'm pretty sure that similar information can be had elsewhere (the library, sites like this, etc.) for a mere fraction of the cost. The prices are what put up the red flag for me. Some of the products/courses/books where going for upwards of $400 to $800 dollars and more!!!

    I had never heard of the guy before, but, after doing some research, he appears to be PLASTERED all over the web. Seems like a LOT of affiliate marketing going on too, another red flag in my book.

    While researching, I did notice that he HAS written several books sold in actual bookstores, so, I was thrown for a loop on that front. Again, seems pretty legit, but, between the outrageous pricing & the hard-sell approach, think I'll look elsewhere.

    And in reference to your comment inbox about the motivational aspect of the products, I do agree with your assessment 100%. However, methinks if people need to spend THAT kind of money to be "motivated", there are a LOT of "issues" that need to be addressed by these folks BEFORE considering any marketing endeavors :)
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Just another millionaire maker working out of a class B rented space. Kennedy Konsulting(?), Kennedy inner space (?), Kennedy inner circle, a mortgage company and a dozen labor organizations.

    Do a google satalite look at their office...

    Does this sound like a millionaire maker?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear joegrss,

    I've been a member of my local Glazer Kennedy chapter for almost a year and a half.

    As with any marketing continuity system, one gets out of it what one is prepared to invest: I've learned a great deal AND I've had confirmed much of what I've known for years.

    I know of many hundreds of people that have, by following Dan Kennedy's methods, made (and make) many many millions of dollars in revenue every year.

    When it comes to direct response marketing there are other people that produce similar systems, and who offer similar products and yes, some of Dan's stuff IS pricey.

    However, look at any expense and that's what it remains: an expense. Look at it as an investment and that's what it becomes.

    With any product or mastermind fee it's not what you pay for it, it's what taking action (or not taking action) costs you in the long run.

    I've read many of Dan's books and I've heard both him and Bill speak at my local chapter meetings. They both talk a lot of sense. And sometimes, yes, they said things I don't agree with.

    But so what?

    All I can suggest is that you buy one or two of Dan's books and read his opinions. Then, if you've a mind to, find out if there's a local chapter near you and figure out when their meetings are and go along and see for yourself. There's no hard sell at my local chapter and I've made some great contacts and met lots of new friends.

    As mocking as some of the opinions you might read on Dan and Bill may be, their approach works and their techniques make money for the members that are willing to apply them. Dan advocates aligning your message with the preferred and desired outcome of your prospect. On top of this, on any information product you buy from him he offers a 365 day money back guarantee and a "No BS" approach to marketing the business of business.

    Dan tells it like it is and you either love his approach or you hate it. There's no middle ground and he calls himself an equal opportunity offender: meaning at some point he will offend you in some way.

    Deal with it.

    The choice to get involved with Dan and Bill and to then take action on what you learn from them must be yours and yours alone.

    I hope this helps.

    Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

    A member of GKIC-Philly—
    the largest most active chapter in the USA.

  • Posted on Member
    Also read some of kennedy's stuff and glazers new book "outrageous advertising." I have implemented many of their ideas with very good success. I think the manure comment is a little harsh...but they do sling all kinds of stuff at you once you're on the hitlist.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    A delayed response from one who's interest is in the study of this latest, flattest version of Pyramid Selling, MLM, "Information Marketing and Network Marketing"

    If the end result is to recruit people who will themselves recruit further people and so on ad-infinitum, the product being sold becomes an irrelevance. The mechanism makes the money. That means that for a given scheme with a given set of possible business objectives, you can calculate from the maths alone, regardless of product, skill, application and use of secrets, what percentage of participants will eventually lose out should the scheme continue until it has covered the globe.

    The percentage of losers varies from the high 90% for aggressive schemes through to about 54% for less aggressive ones. They all involve many making no money and even more making a loss for a few to succeed financially.

    I’m not pro or contra and my opinion is based only on hard figures but morally I find them abhorrent. Even more frightening is the fact that their ideal recruit is someone like me – somewhat respected in his field, listened to, big client base and even larger marketing list of potential prospects who will at least read what I write and might buy on reputation alone.

    Steve Alker

  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Steve, I have not looked in depth at this, but where is the MLM aspect of either Kennedy's or Glazer's operation?

    This would be a new wrinkle with which I am completely unfamiliar.



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