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Dear Marketing Professional:

Do you have a marketing question? Did you know there's a place where you can ask that question and within 48 hours you will receive several thoughtful responses from marketing experts - for FREE? This note comes to you from one of our active members who thinks you might benefit from knowing about this resource.

This service is called Know-How Exchange, and you can find it in the website. MarketingProfs is a solutions center for over 350,000 marketing professionals. Know-How Exchange is our online community, where we interact to solve difficult marketing challenges.

You need to be a member to post a question. Registering is easy and costs you nothing. Find everything you need to know about getting started in our Quick Start Guide. Also, see our FAQs if you're interested in more detailed information.

If you have questions, please let us know by replying to this message. We will do our best to get back to you within 24 hours. We hope to see you in the Know-How Exchange!

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