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  • "Make friends with your Web designer" is smart advice for an SEO practitioner. This article covers a few best-practices that require effective collaboration between SEOs and their friends on the Web development team. Read on for more.

  • We think our online writing is inviting. But, to readers, it can feel like falling into a hidden temple where the walls are spewing poison darts and they're being pursued by a big, bone-crushing boulder. It doesn't have to be that way.

  • The median conversion rate for business website landing pages across industries is just over 3%, according to recent research from Unbounce.

  • We spend countless hours planning, building, and testing landing pages. Yet, they don't always perform as we expect them to. This article will provide inspiring examples and practical advice you need to make sure your next landing page is incredible.

  • COVID-19 pandemic-related shutdowns have affected a host of industries and sectors in various ways. Part of the fallout has been the change in Web-use behavior, as well, along with digital marketing initiatives by major search and social media platforms. This infographic offers an overview.

  • B2B sales and marketing have evolved rapidly. Digitization has transformed the way buyers research and procure products and services. Sellers no longer have control over the flow of information, and buyers' expectations have changed. Here's what B2B suppliers need to do to attract today's buyers.

  • Garrett Mehrguth, founder of Directive Consulting, explains why it's nearly impossible to rank for organic search terms, and shares tips on positioning your B2B brand for search.

  • Constantly expanding customer touchpoints and cross-border commerce make the optimization of product listings and data difficult—but no longer optional. Product experience management can help you meet the needs of customers in today's marketplace.

  • You've invested time and money to implement creative and cost-effective ways to bring relevant traffic to your site. You've even collected reviews from customers. So what's still missing? Thoughtful product descriptions that convert.

  • When building or updating a contact page, or including a contact form in any of your digital marketing projects, go through this checklist. You'll make your customer's life easier—and increase the chance that they'll actually give you the information you need.

  • If you're looking for a practical approach to basic keyword research and semantic SEO, this webinar is for you. Get a plain-English explanation of the sometimes-mysterious channel of search. Sponsored by SEMrush.

  • If you own an e-commerce storefront or work for a company that sells online, you're familiar with a frustrating fact: Shopping cart abandonment. Here are the leading reasons for cart abandonment—along with strategies for overcoming those obstacles to purchase.

  • For 20+ years, shoppers have bought stuff online. But people don't just buy, they also like to shop—reveling in the experience of discovery. And they have now begun to extend that shopping behavior online. Brands need to capitalize on this shift—because it's the inevitable future of e-commerce.

  • Online shopping has transformed both retail and customer experience. But all's not well: Today's online shoppers face some big issues. Before you lose customers to industry Goliaths like Amazon, you'll need to mitigate those challenges.

  • Customers today have choices. One unfortunate experience with your company and they won't think twice to switch to a competitor. If you don't focus on customer service, you will bleed revenue. But delivering live chat support to customers can make all the difference.

  • Today's online consumer frequently confronts a host of frustrations when attempting to interact and engage with businesses online, according to a recent study. Hence the rise of conversational marketing.

  • These days, website content is continually updated, websites are frequently redesigned, and URL structure is altered. Inevitably, 404 error pages occur on all sites—for various reasons. Here's what they are, how they affect your site, and what you can do to fix them.

  • Blink a few times... and the 2019 holiday-shopping season will be here. Marketers and retailers have already started making plans to capitalize on the year's most lucrative season. If you haven't started planning yet, this infographic on peak shopping times from the previous holiday shopping season is a great starting point.

  • Some niche businesses think a small social presence and a semi-decent website are enough to engage customers in the age of digital marketing. Not even close, of course... So, what do successful customer engagements look like in the age of digital transformation?

  • Digital brand communities have grown in popularity, so it makes sense to explore some high-profile examples. A community's landing page is an important building block of an engaged, growing community. It's what draws people in. Draw inspiration from these 10 examples.